Chapter 9

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Stella, accompanied by her group of friends, including her crush Isaac, arrived at the bustling train station on a sunny afternoon. The train station was a hub of activity, with people rushing to catch their trains, vendors selling snacks and drinks, and the sound of train announcements echoing through the air.

As Stella and her friends made their way through the crowd, they marvelled at the grandeur of the station. The high ceilings, adorned with intricate designs and the large windows, allowing sunlight to filter in, created a sense of openness and vibrancy. The station was adorned with colourful banners and posters promoting various destinations, adding to the excitement and wanderlust in the air.

Stella's heart raced as she caught a glimpse of Isaac, waiting at a designated meeting spot. He looked dashing in his casual attire, a smile playing on his lips. Stella's friends exchanged knowing glances, aware of her affection for Isaac. They playfully nudged her forward, urging her to approach him.

With a mix of nervousness and anticipation, Stella took a deep breath and approached Isaac. Their eyes met, and a wave of warmth washed over her. She greeted him with a shy smile, and he responded with a friendly grin. The noise of the station seemed to fade into the background as they engaged in lighthearted banter, discussing their upcoming train journey and sharing anecdotes.

Stella's friends, sensing the chemistry between them, discreetly gave them some space while still keeping an eye on the budding romance. They exchanged mischievous glances, silently cheering Stella on. The train station became a backdrop for their connection, with its bustling energy mirroring the excitement and anticipation building between Stella and Isaac.

As the time to board their train approached, Stella and Isaac reluctantly bid each other goodbye, promising to keep in touch during their journey. Stella's friends rejoined her, offering words of encouragement and support. They all boarded the train together, ready for a new adventure and hopeful for what the future might hold.

Stella, eager to determine the estimated arrival time of their train, approached the train timetable board at the station. The timetable board was a large electronic display, with a grid-like structure showcasing the train schedules for various destinations.

As Stella scanned the board, she noticed columns filled with train numbers, departure times, and destinations. The display was organised in a way that made it easy to find the desired information. Each row represented a different train, displaying relevant details such as the train's name, its originating station, intermediate stops, and final destination.

Stella's eyes darted across the rows, searching for the train they were scheduled to board. She found the train number and traced her finger along the corresponding row, locating the estimated arrival time. The timetable provided both the scheduled departure time from the originating station and the estimated arrival time at their destination.

The display also featured additional information, such as any delays or platform changes, to keep passengers informed. Stella carefully examined this information, ensuring they were aware of any updates or modifications to the train's schedule.

She noted the estimated arrival time, taking into account any potential delays or changes. Stella then shared the information with her friends, informing them of the expected time their train would arrive. Their excitement grew as they realised their departure was drawing closer.

With the estimated arrival time in mind, Stella and her friends made their way to the designated platform, ready to board their train and embark on their journey.

As Stella carefully selected her desired food items from the store shelves, she felt a sense of excitement mixed with a touch of nervousness. She couldn't help but notice Isaac's warm smile as he observed her choices from a nearby distance. As she approached the counter to pay, her heart skipped a beat when she realised Isaac had stepped forward and was already engaged in a friendly conversation with the cashier.

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