Chapter 5

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The quaint, tree-lined streets of the neighbourhood were alive with the sounds of nature and friendly chatter. Neighbours waved to each other and stopped for impromptu conversations as they walked their dogs or enjoyed a morning jog. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air, and the occasional sound of an elderly resident watering their plants could be heard over the gentle rustle of leaves.

Down the street, Stella made her way to work at the Maple Leaf Cafe. She savoured the familiar sights and sounds of the community as she walked, feeling grateful to be a part of this tight-knit neighbourhood. As she approached the cafe, her heart swelled with affection for the cosy little spot that had become such an important part of her life.

The Maple Leaf Cafe was bustling as usual, with a mix of regulars and newcomers filling the space. The friendly staff took orders with a smile and chatted easily with customers as they prepared their coffee and breakfast items. The aroma of fresh-roasted coffee filled the air, invigorating even the sleepiest patrons.

As Stella made her way behind the counter to begin her shift, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the Maple Leaf Cafe. Over the years, this cosy spot had become a hub for the community, a place where neighbours could gather to catch up, enjoy delicious treats, and start their day off on the right foot. She knew that she had a long day ahead of her, but the warmth and cosy atmosphere of the Maple Leaf Cafe never failed to put a smile on her face.

Stella's heart swelled with pride as her family walked into the Maple Leaf Cafe. She greeted them with a big smile and hugged each of them warmly.

"Good morning, guys. So happy to see you here!" she exclaimed.

Her brother, who had been eagerly anticipating her famous peach pie, wasted no time in ordering himself a slice, along with a refreshing mango peach drink. Her sister, on the other hand, couldn't resist trying out the gochujang pasta, a hot and spicy Korean-inspired dish. To satisfy her sweet tooth, she ordered a slice of cherry pie and a cup of lemon tea.

As they chatted over breakfast, Stella brought out a surprise: a bowl of mango bingsu for her sister's dessert. It was a new addition to the menu, and Stella knew her sister would love it. The cold and creamy dessert, packed with fresh mangoes and topped with a drizzle of honey, was a hit with everyone at the table.

As they enjoyed their food and caught up on each other's lives, Stella felt grateful for her family and for the Maple Leaf Cafe. It was a place where she could share her passion for food and hospitality with the people she loved, and she knew that every customer who walked through those doors would feel the same warmth and joy that she did.

Stella's heart skipped a beat as she heard the doorbell ring. She rushed over to the entrance, wondering who could it be since she had just checked the reservations and there were no bookings for this time of the day.

To her surprise, it was her parents who had traveled all the way to her cafe, bringing along her grandparents from Seoul. She enveloped them in a tight hug and led them to a reserved table in the corner.

As they eased into their seats, Stella could sense the pride beaming from her parents. "You've done so well, Stella," her dad said with a smile. "We wanted to come and see for ourselves how amazing this place is."

Stella couldn't help but grin with happiness. She quickly brought out a menu tray and began by recommending some of the most popular items in the cafe. As they were a family of foodies, they decided to try a bit of everything.

Stella's grandmother seemed quite fascinated by the bingsu bowl, and her grandfather ordered a matcha latte to pair with his chocolate croissant. Her parents chose to share a plate of sweet potato waffles, paired with a triple berry smoothie.

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