Chapter 4

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Stella walked down the busy streets of Seoul at 7:00am, with her dark hair neatly tied back and a light jacket over her dress. The crisp autumn air was refreshing as she passed by the Korean street vendors setting up their carts for the day. They were grilling skewers of meat and vegetables, filling the air with the aroma of spicy marinades and savoury seasonings.

As she continued her walk, the streets began to come alive with the buzz of activity that Seoul is known for. People were bustling about, some on their way to worship at the nearby temple, others preparing to spend a relaxing Sunday with family and friends.

The trees that lined the sidewalks were dotted with shades of yellow, orange, and red, as the leaves gently fell to the ground below. Stella couldn't help but feel grateful for the calming scenery and the peaceful surroundings.

Eventually, she arrived at the Maple Leaf Cafe where she worked. It was a cosy establishment with welcoming décor and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Stella could hear the clanging of coffee cups and the laughter of patrons inside. She smiled, knowing that it was going to be a good day.

Before opening time, the Maple Leaf Cafe was a serene and peaceful place. The aroma of freshly roasted coffee filled the air. The chairs were neatly tucked in under the tables and the sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow on the wooden floors.

Once Stella arrived to start her shift, her eyes brightened as she saw her best friends, Jasmine and Grace already waiting for her. They exchanged hugs and laughs before getting down to business. Together, they set out tables and straightened chairs, making sure everything was in order for the busy day ahead.

As the three friends worked, Stella brought out different treats and pastries from the kitchen. The sight of the freshly baked goodies made their mouths water. They made sure to set out the whole Red Velvet cake, Cinnamon rolls, croissants, blueberry tart, chocolate marble cake, banana bread, and Orange muffins.

Jasmine made a point to whip up a few milkshakes with the cafe's signature ice cream flavours. She combined milk and ice cream in a stainless mixer, blending in fresh strawberries, chocolate syrup, and vanilla essence. Grace busied herself with the oven, where Cinnamon glazed donuts, sugar cookies, and carrot cake with cream cheese frosting were baking to perfection.

As the clock chimed, signifying the cafe's opening time, Stella, Jasmine, and Grace stepped back to admire their handiwork. The spotless tables, arranged chairs, and all the different treats spread around the café, were a feast to behold.

Soon, the chime of the doorbell signalled the arrival of the first customer. Stella greeted them with a warm smile, while Jasmine handed them a freshly brewed cup of coffee. The pleasant chatter of patrons and the aroma of coffee mingling with fresh pastries filled the cosy interior of the cafe, making it the go-to spot for everyone in the neighbourhood.

As the regular customers arrived at the Maple Leaf Cafe, they exchanged waves and smiles with Stella and her friends, excited to get their usual order of drinks and treats. Some ordered a matcha green tea latte, a rich and creamy beverage with earthy notes of matcha powder. Others craved fluffy pancakes, stacked high and drizzled with maple syrup and whipped cream.

Stella and her friends were quick to prepare the orders, working in unison to make sure each customer was served with precision and care. They skillfully poured shots of freshly roasted espresso and steamed milk, creating intricate latte art that delighted the customers. They generously topped the fluffy pancakes with fresh fruit and nuts, ensuring that every bite was a heavenly explosion of flavors and textures.

As the customers savored their drinks and treats, they engaged in lively conversations, catching up on each other's lives and sharing stories. Some discussed work and business, while others gossiped about the latest news in town. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, like a close-knit community.

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