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Rudra hold Maya hand.
Rudra: I am gonna tell you all true. I won't hide anything from you anymore. I hope you trust me.

Maya: Just tell me Rudra...

Rudra: You father. Your adoptive father doesn't love you. He faked his love for you.....
You know how I accept to marry you. It was not a deal between our parents... one day....


Rudra and Mahesh was at the office. Mahesh had some business to do with Ashwin.

Mahesh saw Ashwin very happy......

Mahesh: Why are you smiling this much...

Ashwin: Because my daughter is getting marriage...

Mahesh: Oh wow congratulations. Who is the lucky boy?

Ashwin: Mr Goenka?

Mahesh: You mean his son?

Ashwin: No mr Rajesh Goenka!

Mahesh: What! Your daughter is young and this old man is 60 years old....

Ashwin: I know but he is giving me a lot of money!

Mahesh: how can you do that to your own daughter...

Ashwin: she is not my real daughter anyway!

Mahesh look at him shock.
Mahesh: He has the age to be maya father.....

Ashwin: I don't care. I care only about the money!

Mahesh: Okay you care about the money right. I will pay you a lot of money every week if you let my son marry Maya...

Ashwin: Really!

Mahesh: Yes!

Ashwin: Fine. The wedding is tomorrow.

Mahesh: I need to talk to Rudra first.

Ashwin: Tell him and then tell me.
Mahesh nodded and went in the cabin to talk to Rudra.


Mahesh: Rudra. I am sorry my son. I took a decision for you?

Rudra: What the matter dad?

Mahesh: I fix your wedding!

Rudra: WHAT! dad I have a girlfriend!

Mahesh: I DON'T CARE! BREAK UP WITH HER! I need you to help me son. We need to help this girl.

Rudra: Fine!

Mahesh told Rudra everything about maya.

Rudra: OMG. How can someone be so cruel. Ok fine dad. I will help her. I just don't want her to know the reason behind this wedding....

Mahesh: Fine!

Flashback end...

Maya look at Rudra shock...

Maya: You are lying.

Rudra: I am not. I promised. I am that the same day I broke up with my girlfriend. I didn't wanted to cheat on you. I love you maya. Just you..

Maya: Why would he do that!

Maya: Why would he do that!

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