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Arya room.
Maya walk inside the room. She saw that Arya was already asleep. She cover her with the blanket. She was about to go to bed to when she heard someone knocking.

She went to open the door and she saw Rudra...
Rudra enter the room and locked the door.

Maya: Rudra
She whispered.

Maya: What are you doing here! Arya is sleeping.
She whispered.

Rudra look at Arya.
Rudra: Good... you wanted to be here with her. I will also be here with you now! I can't stay without you maya!

Maya: Rudra shut up! Arya will wake up! Go to bed right now!

Rudra look at Maya sadly.
Rudra: You really don't care about your husband huh!

Maya smile looking at her.
Maya: No I don't.
She say playfully.

Rudra pinned her to the wall. Maya gasp. She was about to leave but Rudra put his hand next to her not letting her go.

Maya: Rudra if Arya wake up what will she think!

Rudra: That her brother is very romantic and her sister in law is very unromantic.

Maya: Argh! Rudra! I am warning you....

Rudra move his face closer to maya...
Rudra: Oh really baby...

Maya close her eyes feeling his lips on her while he was talking...

Maya look at him.... She was lost in him...
Rudra kiss maya.... She kiss him back passionately.

Maya heard Arya move. She quickly push Rudra.
Maya: Rudra leave!

Rudra: No! I will sleep here! With you!

Maya: Argh you are so annoying!

Rudra carry Maya to the couch... He lay on the couch and lay Maya over him. They both look at each other with a smile.

Rudra: oh no! You won't be comfortable here!

Maya: No... I am more comfortable here love.

Rudra smile.
He kiss Maya forehead... She lay her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. Rudra caressed her hair gently and keep kissing her forehead...

They both didn't know when they fall asleep in each other arm.

Next morning.
Arya wake up feeling sunlight on her face... she look beside her and frown not seeing Maya...

Arya: She left.
She whispered.

She then look around the room and was shock to see Maya and Rudra sleeping on the couch in each other arm. She look at them with a smile... and with adoration.

Arya: Awww look how cute they are... Awww Bhaiya bhabhi...

She screamed.... Maya open her eyes realizing where she was. She look at Arya and she saw her looking at her mischievously...

Maya immediately push Rudra and he fall on the floor.

Rudra: Ahhh baby what the hell!

Maya stand up
Maya; It is not what you think Arya...

Arya: It's okay bhabhi... but I hope you and Bhai didn't do it on....


Arya giggled.
Arya: Bhai you are so cute when you blush.

Rudra stand up...
Rudra: No Arya we didn't don't worry.

Maya: You guys are so shameless! And you Arya go and get ready.

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