Rudra look at maya shockingly...
Rudra: What happen baby....

Maya hug Rudra immediately.
Maya: I am sorry. I didn't know it was you. Sorry. Sorry....

Rudra caressed her hair.
Rudra: It's okay love but what happen? Why did you react like this... did someone try to touch you inappropriately?

Maya was lost... she didn't know if she should tell Rudra...
"No you can't tell him this now. You are not 100% sure. And I don't even know if he will believe me over his uncle... I need to be sure first..."thought Maya.

Maya: No... no. I just thought... nothing Rudra...

Rudra hold Maya hand...
Rudra: Are you fine?

Maya: Yes don't worry. It was just a small misunderstanding.

Rudra nods and hug her....
Rudra and maya walk back in the living room....

Rahul were looking for Arya but he couldn't see him... he decided to go to her room.

Arya room.
Arya was sitting on her bed. Lost in her thoughts. She was scared... She was scared is rahul find out he will left her or if her family find out they will blame her...

The door of the room and rahul walk inside. He was shock to see Arya condition.
Rahul went to sit beside Arya.

Rahul: What happen Arya. You don't look fine. Is anything bothering? Did I do something?

Arya: No Rahul. I am fine really. I am just getting emotional. I will have to leave my family in some days.

Rahul sigh and hug her.
Rahul: Don't worry Arya you can here whenever you want. I won't stop you... neither mom and dad.

Arya: Thank you Rahul...

Rahul wipes her tears.
Rahul: Also I am sorry about everything. I really love you Arya.

Arya: It's okay. I forgive you Rahul. I understand why you did that.

Rahul sigh.
Rahul: No. I should even think of doing something like this!

Arya: it's okay.

Arya hug Rahul...
Arya: Rahul I need to tell you something?

Rahul: About who?

Arya: Maya bhabhi....

Rahul: What happen...

Arya: Rahul... Rajeev uncle... he ...
They heard someone clearing her throat.
Arya and Rahul leave each other and look toward the door.

They look at Maya.
Maya: if you both are done! Can we go? You two shouldn't meet like this!

Rahul: Maya...

Maya laugh...
Maya: I am joking. Let's go. Everyone is waiting....

Rahul look at Arya.
Rahul: Tell me.

Arya: Nothing.. let's go...

They went downstairs....

Priya: Rahul Arya come and sit.
The couple went to sit.

Priya: So as from tomorrow you both will not meet each other till the wedding...

Rakhi: Yes... priya ji is right.

Rahul: Okay mom.

Ram: We are going to leave now... we all had a great time....

They smile and say goodbye.
Maya: Uncle aunty....

Priya and Ram sigh looking at maya.. they understand it was a little difficult for Maya to call them mom and dad.

Priya look at her.
Maya: Let's go. I will walk with you all till the car.

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