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Ram: if maya is happy. We are happy for her..

Maya smile.

Priya: Can we have a conversation with Maya alone please?

Rudra: Of course Aunty.

Rudra look at maya.
Rudra: Give them a chance. Good luck baby..

Maya nodded

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Maya nodded.

Rudra and his family left.

Priya: Kiara Anika stay here you two. You two also need to know the true.

They nodded.

Anika: What's happening Maasi..

"That mean Anika and Kiara are my cousine."thought Maya.

Priya: Maya is mine and ram younger daughter. Rahul baby sister....

Anika and Kiara look at them shock.

Kiara: What! That's mean she is our cousin...

Kiara: What! That's mean she is our cousin

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Ram: She is...

Maya wipe her tears.
Maya: Why did you leave me?

Ram: We didn't. You were kidnapped and we got a call saying you are dead but your brother search for you everywhere. So did we! We look everywhere..

Rahul: That day I found you maya. I was so happy. That's why I was behaving rudely to Rudra....

Priya: Will you accept us. Please baby.

Maya hug them..

Maya look at Rahul. Rahul look at her.......
They both hug each other.

Rahul: I miss you..

Maya: Me too.

Anika and Kiara hug them. They share a group hug. 

Ram: Maya are you really happy with Rudra.

Maya: Yes. Rudra has sacrificed a lot for me. I love him.

Preesha: If you are happy. We are happy.

Maya smile.

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