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Maya office...

Rudra was looking at Maya and Ansh angrily.

Rudra: Remove your hand on my wife before I punch you!
Rudra say looking at Ansh arm around maya waist.....

Ansh remove his hand and look at Rudra.....

Maya: Rudra what are you doing here?

Rudra: Why. I shouldn't come here so I will not see your little affair?

Ansh and Maya look at Rudra shock.

Ansh: What are you saying Rudra....

Rudra: I am not talking to you......

Rudra: I thought I was rude with you in the morning so nothing. So I will come and give you a surprise. But you gave me a surprise....

Maya: Yes Rudra. You are right. You are always right. I am having an affair....

Rudra: How can you do that. You are a cheater Maya!

Maya: Right......

Ansh went toward Rudra and punch him in the face...
Ansh: don't you dare and talk to that to my best friend. And you can't accuse her of cheating....

Rudra: Best friend....
He whispered......

Rudra: You are maya best friend...

Ansh: Yess.....

Rudra look at Maya sadly...
Rudra: Maya.. i... am....

Maya: Save it Rudra. I don't want to hear your fake apology. I am a cheater right? And if you were more involved in my life maybe you would know Ansh. If you would have stay home in the past you would have know Ansh.
Maya say angrily and left. Ansh follow her.

Rudra close his eyes and frustration and punch the wall.
Rudra: Why do I always misunderstand her and creat distance between us. Arghhhhh

He also leave.

Roy mansion.
Maya wipe her tears and walk inside angrily....

She collide with Shivaay...

Maya: I am sorry...

Shivaay: It's okay... what about bhabhi. Are you alright?

Maya: Yes yes. I am fine Shivaay. Don't worry.

She say and went in her room quickly..... 

Shivaay: What's wrong with her?
He was about to leave again when he collide with someone.....

Shivaay: now who is this?

Shivaay look at Ansh...
Shivaay: Ansh?

Ansh: Shivaay Bhaiya.... Where is maya.

Shivaay: She is in her room. What happen?

Ansh explain everything to Shivaay...

Shivaay: Omg! This boy!

Ansh: I am going to see her.
Shivaay nodded and Ansh went toward maya room. He knows where is maya room as he always come here. Everyone know about him apart Rudra as he was never involved in maya life and he was not spending time at home.

Shivaay decide to leave again but collide with someone again...
Shivaay: WHAT THE HELL MAN! will everyone collide with me today! Argh

Shivaay look up and saw Rudra....

Shivaay: Bhai!

Rudra: Did maya come here!

Shivaay: Bhai you disappoint me today. How can you accuse maya like that.

Rudra: I didn't know Okay.....
he say angrily and went in toward his room...

He stop near his room seeing Ansh comforting Maya. He felt jealous.....

Maya Rudra room.

Ansh hug Maya..
Ansh: Why are you crying.... Stop it!

Maya: He doesn't trust me Ansh. Look how he was not involve in my life. Everyone know about you in this family apart my husband. And you are always here but he was never.

Rudra feel bad hearing Maya.

Ansh: Maya he was not ready. And he told you he regret everything.... He love you now. He was the one to save you.

Maya look at Ansh....
Maya: I love him too. But he doesn't trust me...

Rudra enter the room.
Rudra: I am sorry Maya. I was jealous Okay. I trust you....

Ansh: I am gonna give you both some time alone.
Ansh left.

Maya: Don't talk to me idiot. You are being so mean these days!

Rudra hold Maya by her waist...
Rudra: I am sorry my love.
Rudra kiss Maya neck.

Maya: Rudra what are you doing!

Rudra: What! I am loving my wife.
Rudra kiss maya repeatedly.

"Everyone come downstairs. We have guest."

Maya: Let's go mom is calling us!

Rudra: Argh I can't even spend time with my wife....,

Rudra and maya smile. They both hold each other hand and went downstairs...

Living room.

Rakhi was hugging someone.....

Rakhi: Bhaiya i am so happy you came...

Maya was confused as she didn't know her mother-in-law had a brother.

Maya saw Arya face. She was looking stress.

Rakhi: Bhaiya meet my daughter in law Maya and this is Rudra. Meet Rajveer.

Rudra and Maya take the blessing of Rajveer.

Rakhi: And this is Kiara and Anika.
They both took blessing.

Rajveer: I bought something for your daughter in laws and of course Arya.

Arya look disgusted.
Arya left.

Rajveer was eyeing Maya....

Rajveer gave Maya, Kiara and Anika a box. It was all necklaces.....

Rajveer: Maya can you give this to Arya for me...

Maya: Yes dada Ji...

Maya left and went to Arya room.....

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