Rudra stormed into Maya's room, his heart pounding with a mix of dread and anger as he sensed something was wrong. There, he found his uncle Rajveer looming over Maya, his intentions unmistakable.

Maya's eyes widened in fear as she struggled against Rajveer's grasp, her voice trembling as she cried out for help.

Rudra's blood boiled as he lunged forward, grabbing Rajveer by the collar and yanking him away from Maya with a growl of rage.

"Get away from her, you disgusting excuse for a man!" Rudra's voice thundered through the room, his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

Rajveer stumbled back, his face contorted with a mixture of surprise and fury at being interrupted. Before he could react, Rudra delivered a powerful punch to his jaw, sending him crashing to the ground with a groan of pain.

Maya gasped, relief flooding through her as Rudra stood protectively between her and Rajveer, his chest heaving with the effort to control his anger.

"Are you okay?" Rudra's voice was gentle now, his eyes filled with concern as he turned to Maya, reaching out to gently cup her face in his hands.

Maya nodded shakily, her whole body trembling with the aftermath of the terrifying ordeal. With Rudra by her side, she finally felt safe again.


After ensuring Rajveer was gone, Rudra turned back to Maya, his expression softening with relief and concern. Without a word, he closed the distance between them and enveloped her in a reassuring embrace. Maya buried her face against his chest, her whole body trembling with residual fear and shock.

"It's okay now, Maya," Rudra murmured, his voice a soothing rumble against her ear. "You're safe. He won't come near you again."

Maya clung to him, her fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt as she tried to steady her breathing. She could feel Rudra's heartbeat strong and steady beneath her cheek, a comforting rhythm that grounded her amidst the turmoil.

"I was so scared, Rudra," Maya whispered, her voice wavering with emotion. "Thank you for coming when you did."

Rudra tightened his embrace, holding her protectively against him. "I'll always be here for you, Maya. Always."

They stood there in the quiet of the room, the outside world momentarily forgotten. Rudra continued to stroke her hair soothingly, offering silent reassurance through his presence. Maya gradually began to relax in his arms, finding solace in the strength and warmth he provided.

After a while, Rudra gently pulled back, keeping his hands on her shoulders to look into her eyes. "Do you need anything? Water? Or maybe you'd like to sit down?"

Maya shook her head faintly, her gaze still reflecting traces of the fear she had experienced moments ago. "Just... stay with me, please?"

A soft smile tugged at Rudra's lips as he nodded. "Of course, Maya. I'm not going anywhere."

They moved to sit together on the edge of Maya's bed, Rudra staying close by her side. His presence continued to offer her a sense of security and comfort as they silently processed the intensity of the recent events. In the quiet intimacy of that moment, Maya knew she could begin to heal, with Rudra steadfastly beside her.


Maya hesitated, her fingers twisting nervously in her lap as she sat beside Rudra on her bed. The weight of what she needed to share with him felt heavy in the air between them, but she knew Rudra deserved to know the truth.

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