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Arya Room
Maya walk inside and saw both Anika and Kiara talking with Arya.

Arya look at Maya. She could see maya was disturbed.

Arya: Bhabhi are you okay?

Maya look at Arya with a smile
Maya: Yes yes. I am...

Anika: Are you sure maya? You look disturbed.

Maya: No No I am okay... don't guys don't worry. I just come.

They nodded and maya went in her room.

Maya room.
Maya was walking around.
Maya: I should tell Rudra! This is wrong!

"What would you tell Rudra.."

Maya look toward the door and look at Rajveer.
Maya: What are you doing here...

Rajveer: Nothing beta...

Maya: Don't you dare Mr Rajveer!

Rajveer locked the door...
Maya: what the hell are you doing!

Rajveer smirk at her and walk to her.
Rajveer: Nothing... you and I are just going to have a talk Okay!

Maya: I will scream!

Rajveer laugh.
Rajveer: No one will hear you maya beta! The music is too loud outside.

Maya: I say leave!
Maya walk backwards while trembling.... Rajveer keep walking toward her...

Maya fall on the bed with a thud... maya was scared. She look around while Rajveer smirk at her....

Rajveer: Where will you run now.

Maya look at him horrified.
Maya: what are you doing! Leave!

Rajveer sit beside maya. He held her hand tightly.
Rajveer: I will just talk to you! You won't say anything to Rudra! Or else I will destroy Arya life! Like I did years ago!

Maya: you did what!

Rajveer smirk.
Rajveer: just keep your mouth shut or you will regret this.
Rajveer touch her shoulder gently.
Rajveer: so soft.
He then left.

Maya was shock!
Maya: he did something to Arya. I need to talk with Arya.
Maya wipe her tears and went in Arya room.

Arya room.
Maya walk in.. she saw Anika was getting Arya ready for her wedding...

Anika look at maya..
Anika: Maya you still didn't change...

Maya: Anika can I please talk with Arya please. And you should also go and get ready.

Anika nods and left. Maya locked the door.

Arya: what happen bhabhi?

Maya walk to Arya and hold her hand gently..
Maya: I want the true from you okay!

Arya nods.
Maya: what did Rajveer uncle did to you!

Arya look at Maya shockingly. She immediately leave her hand.
Arya: I don't know what you are taking about.

Maya: remember you were the kid and he wasn't! You doesn't need to be scared. It isn't your fault okay!

Arya look at maya with tears.
Arya: Listen bhabhi! I really don't know what you are talking about! It's my wedding today. So leave me alone...

Maya: No! Stop lying Arya! Please I need prove him wrong! He touch me disgustingly Arya! I need to expose him for you! He threaten me..

Arya was shock...
Arya: Bhabhi go and get ready....and please don't tell anything to Rahul please. He will leave me..

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