Act 1; Scene 2

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(Lol im not doing the fancy spacing anymore suffer)

[Enter Ronald]

RONALD: It has been nearly a week since I broke up

With my beloved.

I did love her so, but it just wasn't meant to be.

I do feel slightly bad that I used her like that,

But it needed to be done.

[Enter Wendy]

RONALD: Wendy, my good friend.

How have you been doing these past few weeks?

WENDY: Oh, how have I been doing?

I should ask you how you've been doing!

You've been a very busy man as of lately.

Everyone has been requiring your services.

RONALD: Well, I wouldn't put it exactly like that.

WENDY: How would you put it then?

RONALD: I would just say that I've been growing

More and more popular recently,

That's all. Not a big deal, Wendy.

WENDY: Not a big deal?!

I would say it is very much a big deal.

A large one even!

You have orders lining up through the door!

Not the actual door, of course.

But online purchases have been skyrocketing!

RONALD: Say, how did you even get here?

With all of these precautions in place,

It must have been a hassle getting yourself to me.

WENDY: It was indeed a tad tricky, but I prevailed.

And rightfully so, as I need to tell you something

Extremely important. Since it's quite evident

You haven't been checking your recent emails.

RONALD: Well, what is it?

Spit it out already.

WENDY: All of us have been invited to a party of sorts,

To celebrate the sudden boom in sales.

And you are coming with me.

RONALD: Wendy, you know very well I am much too busy-

WENDY: Well, that's too bad.

Because you're coming either way.

Besides, you really need to let loose a little.

Especially after what happened with Softee-

RONALD: What happened with Softee is none of your business.

You know nothing about the phase of Love and War.

You don't know anything at all about love.

You are just an innocent little child.

WENDY: And this "innocent little child" is going

To burn down your estate!

But I might refrain from doing so if

And only if you attend this party with me.

Sounds like a deal?

RONALD: Fine. Sounds like a deal.

And I was going to come anyway.

I didn't just make up my mind because

You threatened me with fire.

WENDY: Fantastic. The party is going to take place

In the back of the Spirit Halloween store,

After hours. Spirit is hosting, obviously,

And the party itself is at eight forty-five. Tonight.

RONALD: Wendy, why could you have told me this earlier?

Now I'll only have a few hours to get ready

And mentally prepare myself!

This all could have been a simple text message.

WENDY: True, but would you have even read it?

RONALD: Touché.

[Wendy and Ronald exit]

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