Act 2; Scene 1

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[Enter Tony]

TONY: I need Jack to get back so I can tell him the news....

Guaranteed, he definitely will not be happy.

[Enter Jack]

JACK: Why do you look nervous?

TONY: I just... He just....

JACK: You just? Who just?

TONY: Ronald, he... there was a fight... your cousin...

JACK: So he's... he's dead?!

TONY: Yes, unfortunately...

[Jack exits sadly]

I feel so sorry for him. I know he and his cousin had a strong bond....

He looked extremely upset by the news as it is.

[Enter Colonel Sanders]

SANDERS: Hi there, is the Queen home?

TONY: Unfortunately not, but I can help as much as-

SANDERS: I would like to marry her son.

TONY: Jack? Oh, I'm not sure he would want to be married so soon after his cousin's death...

SANDERS: I'll pay y'all.

TONY: Well we can always check with him first...

SANDERS: Well, either way, I would like the wedding to be held in two days time.

[Sanders exits]

[Enter Jack]

JACK: What was all that ruckus about?

TONY: Now, I know you're fairly upset currently...

JACK: What a way to describe it...

TONY: ... But you are to be married soon! In two days, specifically.

JACK: What?! But I just lost the lo-

TONY: I know, I know. But you must know that this will be a great thing! Many benefits.

[Jack exits]

There he goes again.

[Tony exits]

Ronald McDonald x Jack in the BoxWhere stories live. Discover now