Act 1; Scene 3

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[Enter Dairy Queen and Tony]

DAIRY QUEEN: I find it quite preposterous that

We've know Spirit for years, and

I'm the only one that hasn't been

Invited yet! This is outrageous!

TONY: It'll be alright, miss.

He likely just... forgot.

DAIRY QUEEN: Forgot?! About me?!

TONY: Well, yes. It happens more than you think.

I'm surprised he's even throwing this party

In the first place! He usually starts planning and

Setting things up for Halloween this time around.

DAIRY QUEEN: Well, it's still unacceptable!

And I think I should march down there

To tell him who's boss!

TONY: Miss, we all know that you can

Fight your way upside down in a blizzard,

But is it truly necessary?

Just so you can be invited to a party

To celebrate good sales?

You have been out of commission for a while,

You know.

DAIRY QUEEN: Maybe you're right, Tony.

But that doesn't change the fact

That I wasn't invited.

TONY: Well, like I just mentioned,

The party is only being held for those that

Have had a big boom in sales.

And since everyone has been driven inside

And you've yet to be able to deliver to people...

You just didn't fit the criteria to be invited.

DAIRY QUEEN: Ok then, I'll just call my son

And ask him myself.

Jack! Come here, boy!

[Enter Jack]

JACK: [tiredly] Yes, mother?

DAIRY QUEEN: I heard you were invited to this...

Party... to celebrate the rising sales?

JACK: Yeah, that's true. Why?

TONY: Well, it seems that someone...

[He motions to Dairy Queen]

... Wasn't invited

JACK: I see... So what do you want from me?

DAIRY QUEEN: I want to be at this party.

JACK: I'm afraid I can't do that for you.

It's invite only, and if you don't

Have an invite, then...

[Dairy Queen exits, enraged]

JACK: Sorry, it must be a lot

Having to put up with her.

TONY: No, no. You've had to deal with her longer.

JACK: That is true. It's why I stay up in my room

So much when I'm over. It's just too much

For me to handle. I wish I could help you,

But I guess only you can make her budge.

TONY: Also true. This was the first time

That she's ever dropped something

Because of your words.

JACK: Yeah. And, about this party...

TONY: Let me guess kid, you're having second thoughts

About going? What's the issue?

JACK: I don't know, I just feel that even though

Sales have indeed been booming,

I'm afraid I won't be doing as well as

The other places. I heard that-

TONY: Oh, forget whatever you heard.

Go! Have fun! Let loose!

JACK: You know what? You're right.

I should go. And hey, it might be good for me!

You never want to work too hard, it'll drain you.

Then you'll never work again.

TONY: That's what they say...

Whelp, I hope you have fun.

I should probably go check on your mother.

JACK: Sounds good, Tony.

I'll see you later, yeah?

TONY: Yeah! I'll be waiting for you

When you come home.

[Tony exits]

JACK: If Tony wants me to go,

But my mother obviously doesn't,

What should I do?

Should I disobey my mother,

Or do what Tony would?

I think I'll go. I'll need to hustle and get ready, though.

[Jack exits]

Ronald McDonald x Jack in the BoxWhere stories live. Discover now