Act 1: Scene 6

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[Enter Wendy]

WENDY: I am just so mad that Ronald left the party

Without telling me so.

I was looking everywhere for him, just to find out

He was gone already!

The actual nerve of some people....

[Enter Sonic]

SONIC: I was passing by, and couldn't help but overhear you

Muttering about a certain clownish figure.

WENDY: And so what if I was?

It really shouldn't be any of your business,

Guy I've never seen before.

SONIC: Let's just say I'm a good friend of an even greater friend of your friend.

WENDY: ... What?

SONIC: I'm Jack's cousin, you imbecile.

WENDY: Jack who?

SONIC: Jack in the Box? Your friend Ronald's new "boyfriend"?

WENDY: Boyfriend?!?! I told him-

Ugh, nevermind. It doesn't matter, as long as he's happy-

SONIC: Happy?! That's what you care about?!

This whole world will crumble if this isn't stopped!

WENDY: It will only crumble when fools like you get in the way!

SONIC: I would refrain from calling me a fool, if I were you...

[he pulls out sword]

WENDY: Oh, so we're doing this?

[she pulls out sword]

Bring it.

[they fight]

SONIC: You don't want to do this.

WENDY: But I do.

[Enter Ronald]

RONALD: What is going on here?!

[Ronald's quick outburst distracts Wendy, causing Sonic to take the final blow]


[turn to Sonic] You fool! What have you done?!

SONIC: What needed to be done. And I'll do it again.

[Ronald takes out a bow and arrows]

[He shoots Sonic, killing him instantly]

RONALD: This wasn't meant to happen!

And Jack will be ever so mad at me...

[Enter a Security Guard]

GUARD: You, Ronald McDonald, have hereby been banished from the state of California.

RONALD: How?! This literally just happened?!

GUARD: I was standing right there.

RONALD: Then why didn't you arrest Sonic when he killed Wendy?!

GUARD: It would've been anticlimactic.

[Ronald and the guard exit]

Ronald McDonald x Jack in the BoxWhere stories live. Discover now