Act 1; Scene 5

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[Enter Jack]

JACK: But why must you be a McDonald?

Why must you work for the other unspoken side?

It's like this imaginary war is pushing us

Farther and farther away.

Oh, but I wonder when I'll see your face again?

Your face, adorned in red and white pain

Is still the face I fell in love with.

[Glass shattering can be heard]

Oh no.

[Enter Ronald]

RONALD: I am here.

JACK: How did you get in here?!

All the doors on the premises are locked!

RONALD: I broke the window.

JACK: You what?!

RONALD: I broke the window.

JACK: Yeah, I understand that you broke the window but why?!

RONALD: Because I couldn't imagine going a day

Without seeing you, my love.

JACK: Corny, and dangerous, but romantic. Okay.

RONALD: Yeah, that was probably a bit much.

JACK: You could've just knocked...

RONALD: Right, I didn't think of that, sorry.

JACK: And I don't have great insurance...

RONALD: Sorry, sorry. I'll pay for it all.

JACK: No it's ok it was a simple mistake.

RONALD: Ok we're getting off track.

JACK: Yeah yeah right.

RONALD: This whole situation isn't right.

I could live with you, and would happily

If it weren't for this unnecessary fighting.

JACK: And I would love you forever more if only I could

RONALD: You still can, there would just be some limitations.

JACK: But that's the issue! I want to love without being restricted.

Because love should be whatever you want it to be.

No one should put restrictions on love.

[Tony calls from afar]

TONY: Hey, Jack? Where are you, I need something.

JACK: I'm coming, one second!

You have to go.

RONALD: Now? But we were having a heartfelt conversation.

JACK: Ronald! Now!

RONALD: Ok, ok. But I'll miss you.

JACK: Yes, I know. I'll miss you as well.

Now go, before Tony catches us and everything

Starts to go wrong.

[Ronald exits]

[Jack Exits]

Ronald McDonald x Jack in the BoxWhere stories live. Discover now