Act 2; Scene 3

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[Enter Ronald]

RONALD: I guess Nevada is ok.

It's not like California, but... Nothing is.

[A phone dings]

Oh, my news app just went off.

[He reads notification]

... What?! My true love has been proclaimed... dead?

I must get there at once!

If I must see her dead, I must see her dead now!

[Time skip; Ronald has arrived at California]

That didn't take very long. I severely underestimated this.

Now, to see my love!

[He enters Jack's room]

Oh, Jack, what happened?

Just the other day, I saw you, all happy and full of light.

I mean, I did break in, but that's all right. You forgave me.

But if you must be dead, I must be dead too.

We can finally love, even if it's in death.

[Ronald chugs a Mt. Dew. He dies]

[Jack wakes]

JACK: Wha- Ronald?!

Ronald! What happened?

How are you here? Why are you here? Is it my doing?

I see that you have died. Is it because I had pretended to myself?

If this is the case, then I must die as well. If you can't have my love,

No one can.

[Jack eats a Popeyes biscuit. He suffocates and dies]

[Burger King and Dairy Queen Enter]

BURGER KING: My son!!!

DAIRY QUEEN: My son!!!

BURGER KING: This is all your son's fault!

DAIRY QUEEN: I could say the exact same to you!

BURGER KING: But, maybe all of this fighting was really the problem all along.

DAIRY QUEEN: Perhaps, but I still blame your son!

BURGER KING: What my son did is none of mine or your business!

They were in love, why can't you see?!

DAIRY QUEEN: In.. love? My little boy was... in love?

If this is so, I guess, just this once, I could make an exception.

... And possibly form a friendship?

BURGER KING: I guess so as well.

[They shake hands]

I'm happy to see that this feud has finally come to an end.

DAIRY QUEEN: Me as well.

The End.

Ronald McDonald x Jack in the BoxWhere stories live. Discover now