Act 1; Scene 4

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[Enter Ronald and Wendy]

WENDY: I'm surprised your dad wasn't invited.

Hasn't his business been doing fairly

Well in these last few weeks?

RONALD: Apparently not well enough.

It's ok though. I wouldn't want

That old fart around here anyways.

WENDY: Hehehehehe.

RONALD: You know I hate it when you

Laugh like that.

WENDY: I know. That's why I do it.

RONALD: I hate you.

WENDY: No you don't.

RONALD: Yes, I do.

WENDY: Then why are you here?

[Ronald remains silent]

That's what I thought.

RONALD: Whatever. I'm gonna go get something

For me to eat. Do you want anything?

WENDY: Nah, I'm good. But I'm watching you, Ronald.

No rizzing up anyone this time around, ok?

You literally just broke up with Softee.

Take a break.

RONALD: Yeah, yeah, ok.

WENDY: You're going to do it anyway,

Aren't you?

RONALD: Yes I am.

WENDY: You are unbelievable.

RONALD: Oh come on, you love me.

WENDY: No, I don't.

RONALD: Yes, you do.

WENDY: No, I really don't, you idiot.

RONALD: [mockingly] Then why am I here?

WENDY: Touché.

[Wendy exits]

RONALD: There's probably no one here to

Gaze upon ever so lovingly.

And even if there was, it might

Take hours, even days to-

[Enter Jack]

JACK: Oh, sorry, I interrupted your

Imaginary conversation.

RONALD: Hello handsome... How would you like

To hang out with me for a little while?

Spirit has a bunch of fruit punch on ice

And my friend is out dancing,

So we can talk as much as we want to, love.

JACK: Maybe later, I'm just trying to get

Some food...

RONALD: No worries.

[Ronald hands Jack a plate of snacks]

JACK: ... Thank you. That was oddly considerate.

RONALD: Anything for you, dear.

JACK: Well, aren't you just the rizz master?

RONALD: I guess you might say that.

JACK: So, what're you doing here tonight?

RONALD: Same as you. I got invited by Spirit

Because my sales have been doing so well

As of late.

JACK: Yeah, I really don't know why I asked.

I was just trying to hold up

A good conversation, I guess.

RONALD: It's ok. Conversation is good.

We need a good amount of dialogue

To stay strong.

[A slow song starts playing]

Hey, how about the two of us dance together?

Could be a fun time.

JACK: Yes, that sounds delightful.

[they join hands and dance]

RONALD: This is very romantic.

JACK: It is indeed.

RONALD: Would it be wrong if I were to say

I wanted to kiss you?

JACK: Would it be right to say

I wouldn't mind?

RONALD: No... definitely not...

[They kiss]

JACK: You're a great kisser, you know that?

RONALD: Mmm, and I would steal

A thousand more from you

Until your lungs ran out of breath.

[Enter Sonic]

SONIC: Jack! There you are.

I've been looking for you every....

Who is this?

RONALD: I'm Ronald, sir. Ronald McDonald.

SONIC: A McDonald?! Jack, you know

You cannot be hanging around his sort!

JACK: I care not who he is, or what

Sort he is. I only care about his heart,

His lips, and his touch.

RONALD: Awwww.

SONIC: You, sush! Jack, you know what will happen

When your mother hears of this!

JACK: Well she won't know if no one tells her!

Do me this one thing, Sonic.

SONIC: .... Alright then. But if she finds out herself,

I'm not helping you there.

JACK: You would never "help me there".

SONIC: I know. Be grateful I'm even helping you at all.

[Sonic exits]

JACK: I must go. Excuse me.

[Jack exits]

RONALD: I should.. Uh.. depart as well.

[Ronald exits]

(I read this part to my friend and she announced to the whole class that I had written "soft p0rn")

Ronald McDonald x Jack in the BoxWhere stories live. Discover now