Act 2; Scene 2

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[Enter Jack]

JACK: I need to get out of this Wedding.

Ronald is my one true love, even during death.

The wedding is in the morning, so I should be able to just...

[he bangs his head against the wall]

Now, tomorrow.. it'll look like I... have...

[he falls unconscious]

[Enter Tony]

TONY: Jack! Oh no....

Queen! Come quick!

[Enter Dairy Queen]

DAIRY QUEEN: What?! What's all this ruckus- Oh my goodness!

TONY: I'm afraid he is dead, ma'am.

DAIRY QUEEN: But how?! You were with him just moments ago!

TONY: I am unaware!

DAIRY QUEEN: You are fired!


[Tony exits]

Ronald McDonald x Jack in the BoxWhere stories live. Discover now