Chapter 4

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I woke up to my alarm and sighed before realising why I had set it. 

I was hoping to run into the twins and ask them to go shopping with me, I was going to offer to buy a couple of things to help them make their space more special to them and maybe buy a few clothes and shoes in the process. 

I hopped in the shower quickly and then brushed my teeth and face, trying to get ready as quickly as possible. I did some makeup, curled my hair and headed down to do the most dreaded task, pick an outfit. 

I picked about 30 different types of outfits before deciding on white shorts and a white crop top with a simple blue shirt on top.

I picked about 30 different types of outfits before deciding on white shorts and a white crop top with a simple blue shirt on top

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With summer fast approaching I couldn't wait to dress the part.

I walked into the kitchen and to my luck, the twins were sitting there having breakfast.

"Morning" I smiled at them as I began eating a banana.

"morning" Wanda replied and Pietro simply nodded.

"what are you guys doing today" I further pressed.

I knew they had nothing going on. It was like a schedule. The recruits would come in get trained, get a tour then get the rest of the week off to settle in before continuing training and whatnot.

"nothing" Wanda replied as she took another bite of her cereal.

"What if I took you guys out" 

They both looked at me unsurely and I sighed quietly.

"We can go the mall, get a few things for your guy's rooms maybe some clothes and hang out a bit," I said hopefully.

"We don't have money," Pietro said shooting down my idea with the stupidest excuse.

"don't worry about that I'll pay" I smiled 

"sugar mommy if you say," I said laughing before taking in their confused impressions 

"never mind ignore that last part" 

"come on it'll be fun" I pleaded and I saw Wanda warm up to the idea a bit. 

"ok we'll go," she said and I smiled.

"Great we can leave now," I said throwing my banana peel away.

"Is it ok if I borrow a shirt or something these clothes are really warm?" Wanda asked and I nodded.

"of course, you can, we can go to my room and you can pick whatever" 

"you can come down as well Pietro and wait around," I said.

We made our way down to my room and I took Wanda to my closet where she picked another shirt.

"Bathrooms just hear I'm gonna grab my keys and then we can head out," I said pushing Wanda in.

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