[04] "hayalovay, tsmuk."

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               WHAT WAS ONCE DIRT against her bare skin is now mud due to the unexpected rain that started falling on them

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               WHAT WAS ONCE DIRT against her bare skin is now mud due to the unexpected rain that started falling on them. Night took the sky, and the stars look lively. Even during the most unfortunate times, Pandora knows how to put on a good show. Here they are, sitting like ducks, waiting for wherever it is sky people take their hostages. Nadia is placed on the left side of Lo'ak and the right side of Tuk. Tuk's shivers can be heard by all, and yet they do nothing to comfort her. If Nadia's arms weren't bound, she'd keep her so close that any warmth that rightfully belonged to her would be given to Tuk immediately. An order is given by the colonel, and suddenly Kiri and Spider are being hauled out of sight from the others. 

"No!" Nadia struggles against the binds.

A large hand reaches for her wet hair and scrunches it between their fingers. She unwillingly tilts her head back and makes eye contact with one of the guards, who seems to get a lot of enjoyment looking down at her submissive position. Lo'ak growls, fighting against his own bound hands, unhappy at how little can he offer to protect his family. 

"Don't. Move." His words are sharp, but the look she gives him could equivalent to a thousand paper cuts. 

"No. Shit." Nadia mocks, holding the wince in her throat when he tightens his grip on her hair.

"Big brother can't help you now, huh?" The guard smirks, as if what he said is funny. 

She didn't feel the need to give him the satisfaction of reacting. Eywa will one day make sure of it that he meets his karma. She hopes for a karma that burns just as the binds on her wrists do. Suddenly, she hears a familiar cry through the trees. She peeks over at Lo'ak, who glances to her. His ears twitch, knowing exactly who it belongs to. The cry is heard again and again. Until she realizes they're getting closer to the group. 

"Big brother will be the least of your problems...txo nga rey." Lo'ak smugs to the guard, knowing his mother wasn't going to take any of their shit. [ 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞. ] 

In fact, they're all dead bodies walking. 

Nadia glances over her shoulder now that her head is released from his hand. Spider is already looking at her, letting her know it's about to be go time. The rain somehow feels the energy coursing through the air and pelts down even harder. The silence is almost deafening, but it's not long until an arrow flies through the air and shoots right through one of the guards' heads. Like clockwork, the guards drop all three of them and shoot their weapon in the direction it comes from. Nadia and Tuk drag their bodies closer to Lo'ak, hoping they wouldn't get caught in any of the crossfire. 

A simple yell from his mother, and Lo'ak is off the ground and moving. Lo'ak's hands reach for the guard that had his hands on him and pulls the safety pin on one of his smoke grenades. Nadia whips around and notices Tuk still fussing with her binds, even trying to use her fangs to bite them off. Nadia then turns back to Lo'ak, attempting to keep her head on straight despite the loud gunshots hurtling from every direction. The same guard goes to reach down for her, but Lo'ak, now having the upper hand, digs his fangs into his arm and bites down like a feral animal killing its prey. A grunt from Tuk takes Nadia by surprise. She picks her body up from the ground, jumping the best attempt she can manage, and wraps her wrists around the neck of the guard.

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