[07] "räʼä rikx."

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               TO HEAR OF A KING losing his throne is one thing, but to see the Sully family being exiled from their home, it breaks her heart to think it's come to this just because of her father

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               TO HEAR OF A KING losing his throne is one thing, but to see the Sully family being exiled from their home, it breaks her heart to think it's come to this just because of her father. Watching one father give up everything just for his family's protection due to another that couldn't even be bothered to learn what the definition of father is. 

"All ready to go?" Norm asks, zipping up the last of the batteries. 

It took much time, and much effort, but they finally managed to grab enough battery life for her exopack to survive the travel. In her opinion, it's more than enough, but Max and Norm wanted to be more than sure she'd be safe. 

"Make sure you recheck your room. Don't want to forget anything, do we?" Max lectures, adjusting his coat briefly. 

Nadia nods, checking off the mental checklist that she's been going over continuously since the second she woke up. She's traveling with two bags, one holding all of her batteries and the other holding all of her personal belongings. Her hands reach up and drag across her face, trying to enjoy the feeling of breathing without her mask for as long as she can. It will be a while until the next time, so she wants to be sure to soak up every second in the now. 

She enters the room she's been familiar with for years. One is half empty, while the other is still untouched from the last morning he slept. She couldn't bring herself to make his bed, despite the countless times she'd done it before. Part of her feels maybe it's because there's a piece of her that is waiting for him to come back and do it himself. 

A sharp inhale turns into a shaky exhale. 

"Are you sure you're ready for this, kid?" Norm comes up behind her, carrying both of her bags over his shoulders. 

"I know I'm over this. That's enough for me to know." Nadia mumbles, staring at Spider's side of the room. 

Something she finds herself doing on more than one occasion. 

Something she's grown tired of. 

"They're finishing up now." Max calls from down the hall, giving her one last warning. 

Goodbyes have always been her least favorite thing. The bitterness. The sweetness. The love that aches as it travels distance knowing it may never survive for another arrival. While following Norm and Max out, she fumbles to place her gear back around her neck. She notices familiar scientistsones that she's never really spoken togives her small smiles filled with encouragement. 

She returns it, hoping they take from her smile that she's grateful for how much they've put up with while they were growing up in the lab. Despite not knowing everyone's backstory or little details, she appreciated them all because they are the closest thing to the family she has. 

"Neteyam took your bags; he said they'd be put with the other ones, so there's no need to worry about where they are." Norm explains, coming back with empty hands. 

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