Woe is the loneliest number pt 3

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I need to talk to Wednesday.

Third person pov
You were walking around nevermore grounds searching for Wednesday and just as you were about to give up your ran into her... literally. Your head shot up and you fell to the ground, seemingly having another vision.

Y/n pov
I opened my eyes again.. I was outside an old shack, it looked like a witches hut.

 I was outside an old shack, it looked like a witches hut

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I looked around and through the window I saw Eden and.. Goody? Eden was tending to her cauldron and Goody was reading through some book. Then suddenly I woke up.

Third person pov
You woke up with Wednesday kneeling next to you.
"What did you see?"
Wednesday questioned with her usual tone.
"I.. I'm not so sure"
You said quietly. You figured you should probably keep that to yourself for now and Wednesday didn't question you further.
"I need to find Enid."
Wednesday said flatly.
"I need to speak to her about Rowan"
Suddenly you remember why you came to find Wednesday in the first place. Rowan. The name sent chills up your spine and left a sinking feeling in your chest.
"Wednesday.. about Rowan.."
"I know."
She say's before you can finish telling her what you saw.
"I don't know how it's possible."
She said.
"Are you sure he was dead? Maybe he was just knocked out?"
You questioned, trying to find a logical explanation for this, but you knew Wednesday wouldn't lie. You had no recollection of the accident as you had passed out when you hit the ground but Wednesday told you what she saw.
"He had no pulse y/n. He was dead."
She states, before walking away.
"Wait! Willa! That's not what I meant! I believe you I really do I just don't know what to make of this situation"
She turns to you for a moment before speaking again
"Let's go find Enid"
You told Wednesday where she was and you both walked there in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable though, it was a warm, peaceful, quiet. You approach Enid and hear her talking
"If Bianca Barclay wins again this year I will literally scratch my own eyes out!"
"I'd pay to see that."
Wednesday said as she heard what Enid had said before.
"Oh but maybe let's not do that"
You said as you walked over to Enid and gave her a hug.
"Hey y/n/n! Howdy Roomie!"
She greets you and Wednesday.
"I'm so glad you decided to stay Wednesday"
She says with a smile
"I thought you wanted your single room back"
Wednesday said and you looked at Enid questioningly
"Full disclosure I don't like living alone and thing gives a killer neck massage. It's a win win"
Enid says.
"Soo? Why the change of heart?"
She asks Wednesday.
"I refuse to play the pawn in someone else's corrupt game."
"You mean Rowan?"
"I witnessed his murder Enid."
"It's just we all saw him this morning, very much.. not dead?"
"She knows what she saw enid."
You say, defending Wednesday.
"I know. Which leads me to believe I'm losing my mind. It's not nearly as fun as I anticipated. You both knew Rowan and Enid your nevermores gossip queen. What's Rowan's story?"
"Besides being a weird loner who somehow pulled nevermores cutest witch.."
Enid glances to you and you slightly blush
"Xavier Thorpes his roommate. You know if you had a phone you could just text him and ask him"
You swear you saw the smallest hint of jealousy on Wednesdays face for a split second but even if it was, it left as soon as it came.
"Oh shoot! I left my phone in my dorm.. sorry"
You apologized. Suddenly Enid starts to speak to her teammates again
"Yoko! Flare those whiskers! The poe cup droops for no one!"
"What is the poe cup exactly?"
Wednesday questioned
"Only my entire reason for living right now!"
Enid says enthusiastically.
"It's basically a boat race and capture the flag all in one"
You say
"No no no y/n it's more than that!"
Enid says
"Part canoe race, part foot chase, no rules! Each dorm has to pick an Edgar Allen Poe short story for inspiration. You could grab a brush? Mrs.Thornhills just ordered pizza! Wanna take a stab at being social?"
She asked Wednesday
"I do like stabbing, the social part not so much. Besides it'll cut into my writing time."
"No worries. As long as your lakeside cheering us to victory on race day!"
"Or glaring uncomfortably "
you joke.
"Whatever works for you"
"Your on the team?"
Wednesday asks you.
"Yea and I'm gonna stay here and help paint the canoe, but I'll catch up with you later Willa!"
You smile. Wednesday doesn't say anything and walks away. You frown a little but brush it off as Wednesday just being Wednesday.
"Sooo, 'Willa' huh?"
Enid questions
"Oh shut up"
You laugh and you pick up a brush, helping to paint the canoe.

The broken soul and the black flame (Wednesday Addams x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now