Woe is the lonliest number pt 6

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Y/n pov
I walked through the forest with jinx along side me. It was starting to look familiar, like I knew the place or had seen it before. Then I see it.

"What do you think jinxy girl?"She meows at me and rubs against my leg, walking towards the hut

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"What do you think jinxy girl?"
She meows at me and rubs against my leg, walking towards the hut. It looks like it hasn't been touched in years but somehow it's still standing. It looked pretty with the moss growing around it and it also looks like it's still in tact. I walk over and open the door.

 I walk over and open the door

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To say I was shocked would be an understatement

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To say I was shocked would be an understatement. It looked almost as if someone lived here still. Then I noticed a familiar energy. Ah, it's an enchantment. One that keeps this place in shape. I looked over the old spell books and glanced over at the empty potion containers. As my hand grazed a certain book my head shot up.

I am still in the cabin only.. Eden and goody are here too. It looks like they don't see me. Eden is getting frustrated over a potion she must have misbrewed.
"Calm down Eden."
Goodys voice sounded a bit softer than Wednesdays but still had the same monotonous undertone.
"This potion is so stupid!"
Eden yelled. Goody walked over, sitting on the ground next to Eden. Goody held out a book and Eden placed her head on Goodys shoulder as she started reading.

That book..

Third person pov
Wednesday had just gotten out of class. She went to find her warewolf roommate Enid. She found her by her canoe.
"I have to get back to the woods."
She said pointedly.
"Weems has been watching me like a vulture circling a carcass."
"and you want me to cover so you can return to the scene of the crime that didn't happen?"
Enid said.
"I have bee keeping club this afternoon. I need you as a decoy."
"Sorry 2 strikes. I'm busy and bee's totally creep me out. Why don't you ask thing- oh wait you can't because he's mad at you."
"Why's he mad? He's the one who messed up with Rowan."
"all I know is we spent an hour giving each other mani's and he really opened up. He feels like you don't respect him as a person."
"Well technically he's only a hand."
Said Wednesday, clearly not getting the point.
"Maybe you can ask y/n- oh, no, she's mad at you too."
Enid said.
"Why's she mad?"
"Wednesday. She told me what you said to her! Listen. Thing is your family, and he would do anything for you. Y/n might not be your family but she'd do anything for you too! She follows you around like a lost pup! You know what, go apologize to them and maybe I'll reconsider."
Enid says as she goes back to painting. Wednesday makes her way back to their shared dorm to find thing. As she walks in she looks over her side of the room, not seeing anything but then she hears paper flipping from enids side

Wednesday pov
I turn around to see thing flipping through a magazine.
"I snapped at you. I'll check my tone in the future. now chop chop before all our leads turn cold."
He still flips through the magazine.
"what is that you want? Hand cream, nail buffer, new cuticle scissors? consider it done."
He throws the magazine and gestured for me to sit down. I take a seat next to him as he signs (you know, you're really stubborn, single minded and obsessive)
"I know I'm stubborn single minded and obsessive. Those are all traits of great writers."
He then signs again (and serial killers)
"Yes. And serial killers. What's your point?"
He signs (do you have something to get off of your chest?)
"I have nothing to get off my chest and I'm not submitting to your emotional blackmail"
He taps his fingers impatiently.
"Fine. When Rowan showed me this picture, it confirmed my greatest fear. That I'm going to be a part of something terrible. And not good terrible like Ivan, bad terrible, and I can't let that happen. That's why I need to find out the truth."
He Pats my hand lightly, and I stare at him.
"tell anyone about this and I will end you."
(Anything else?)
"why would there be anything else?"
I sigh. Of course he would know about that.
"I'm not sure how I feel. I feel maybe just a bit.... Bad.. about how I spoke to her."
I sigh again
"Every time I am around her I get this odd sense that I've never felt before. Like a thousand little spiders crawling in my stomach. Whenever she makes physical contact it feels like the fires of hell rising to my face. Is this what insanity feels like?"
(You like her)
"Don't be ridiculous. I'm incapable of human emotion such as love. I'll never be like my parents."
(Whatever you say)
Suddenly I see a small calico cat (see pic at top) run into the room. Isn't that
I question

Third person pov
Jinx jumps up onto Wednesdays lay and meows at her, nudging her arm and then jumping off as if to say 'follow me'. Wednesday gets up and follows, thing sitting on her shoulder. Jinx leads them to a small hit in the forest, the door slightly open and a light of a fire coming from inside. Wednesday walks in, making her presence known as jinx runs over to y/n and sits in her lap by the fire.
Wednesday says, getting your attention
"I'm sorry."
What Wednesday said caught you off guard. Did the Wednesday Addams just say sorry?
"Don't make me say it again. You might regret it."
You giggle, that's the Wednesday you know and love.
"I'm sorry too Wednesday, I shouldn't have yelled like that. How'd you find me?"
"Jinx lead me here."
"Oh I must of not noticed that she wandered off"
"What's that book your holding?"
Wednesdays attention now on the book in your hands
"Oh well, I had this vision, that's actually how I found this place. My ancestor Eden lead me here."
You hand Wednesday the book.

"A bit childish I know but-""I could read it to you if you'd like?"Wednesday offered

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"A bit childish I know but-"
"I could read it to you if you'd like?"
Wednesday offered. You didn't know what to say, instead you patted the spot next to you and Wednesday sat down, Thing getting off her shoulder and sitting on the table beside her. As Wednesday read the book for about 10 minutes she felt a head lay on her shoulders.

Wednesday pov
I felt a head lay on my shoulder but I continue to read, around 15 minutes after that I hear soft snoring and look over from the book to see y/n fast asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. For once I actually didn't mind the physical touch. It isn't so bad. I stare at her, taking in her beauty. Her y/h/c hair and her freckles (if u have them) lightly dotted across her face. She's beautiful. Is this how my father looks at mother?
(You still sure you don't like her?)
Thing signed. I glare at him and say
"Not. A. Word"

The broken soul and the black flame (Wednesday Addams x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now