chapter one- How it started

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Hiii! So here's chapter one of the story! I will be using some Elvish phrases and other info for the elves and other races for the story, but all of those are taken from websites so if there's any mistake feel free to comment!
Also English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes!!


"Oh my God, Jude! Are you still reading that book?"

I heard my friend scream from across the room. Some would say she was overreacting, but she did have a point. I find it hard to take my eyes off of this book. It's my favorite one to read. It's called "The Lord of the rings", a fantasy book about a world filled with magic and fantasy creatures. It helps me escape from reality.
"But you know it's my favorite one!" I said to her although she already knew.

"Yes I do, but it's 1 am and we have to wake up early tomorrow . You know, cause we have a job?!" She emphasized the "job" with sarcastic tone.

"Ugh.. Don't remind me. I have to watch over kids while they have fun summer activities instead of reading this masterpiece." I complained while closing my book and putting it on my night stand. "We chose to work as summer camp counselors cause I will be working with kids in the future." She said sitting on her bed across from me.(Here I mean that she's going to be a teacher for young children. That's what she is studyingto be.)

"Yeah but why did I get dragged into this?" I complained again. I seem to be doing it a lot these days. "Well you're here cause you're my friend and you love me." She said with a cheeky smile.

"You know I am your best friend, you should appreciate me more!" I crossed my arms jokingly.

"I know you are!" She laughed and hugged me. "Now get your ass to sleep cause I'm not having your complaining in the morning!"

"Yes mum!" I rolled my eyes laughing.

We said our goodnights and turned off the lights. The cabin we were staying was not very big and felt cozy and nice. It had a nice place by the window for reading, which I greatly appreciated. I stared at the ceiling for a while, before drifting off to sleep.


"Jude wake up!"


I heard Lydia's voice call for me and I slowly got up, not opening my eyes. "What happened?" I asked half asleep. "Look!" Her tone was different. She was terrified and that made me open my eyes quickly.
"What the..." I barely managed to say, too speechless to properly speak.

"Lydia are you seeing this too?" I asked panicking.

"Y-Yes, yes I do. What the hell is going on?"

Instead of waking up on our comfortable beds in our cabin, we were in the middle of a forest. It was creepy, the trees were dark and grey and very tall, so tall that they covered the sun light almost completely. We could barely see each other. And also our clothes were different. We were both wearing an outfit that came straight from a fantasy book. Both of us were wearing tunics of different green colors with black trousers and a black corset on our waists. I looked at my friend surprised by all this and noticed something even weirder, if that was even possible, her ears were pointy like an elf's.

Nahh, I must be having a super weird dream. Yeah, maybe reading all these fantasy books is finally getting to me. Yeah, that must be it.

"Lydia pinch me." I said seriously.


"I said pinch me so I know this is a dream, this must be a dream." I said that and then she pinched me but I felt it. Fuck.

In a different world{BOOK 1}Legolas X OCWhere stories live. Discover now