chapter 2

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"Where do you wanna go sit?" Marcus asks politely.

"Well to be fair, I'm not really into big parties and noise. It stresses me out a little", Maia replies, nervous to ruin the vibe.

"Oh, that's no problem. Follow me", he says and starts leading the way.

They end up going to a room, Marcus' room. It's pretty simple, with a bed in the middle, some night stands, posters and reminders of his achiviemenrs and a connected bathroom. He gestures her to sit down on the bed.


"Where is Mai, she's been gone since the minute we stepped her", Larissa asks Madeline.

"I think Jupiter said she met someone earlier", Madeline says, devastated that her love is with someone else

"WHAT???" Victoria, Larissa and Isabella all let out.

"I don't know. But you know what, I'm here for Jups. Since Isa keeps talking about Kylian, I'm tired", Madeline says just to piss Larissa off.

"OUCH", Larissa replies frustrated, as she gets up and walks off to find Maia and this mystery man.

Larissa starts knocking on doors and opening them having no idea who's in the rooms. Dayana, Katarina, Natalia and Adira walk past her but then pause.

"What the actual fuck are you doing Isa?" Dayana questions furrowing her brows.

"I'm trying to find Mai! Madi said that Jupiter said that she has a man", Larissa explains to the girls.

There were no other questions and the girls decide to help Isa. The house is huge and packed with people they've never seen before. They go trough 3 room and suddenly hear questionable noises and grunts from outside the fourth door.

"Holy shit is that Jups with all that giggling?" Dayana says laughing hysterically.

"S-L-U-T, slut. What can I say", Larissa giggles along.

"Wait. Who the fuck is she with? This better not be", Natalia says grabbing the door handle but Adira stops her.

"Let's just take a little peak. If they don't hear or see us, they can continue their night", Adira says with a smirk plastered all over her face

"Smart thinking", Larissa states and opens the door very quietly and just takes the smallest peak trough the gap between the door and the wall.

They all take their turn to look at who Jupiter is with and based on their horrified looks, it was Trent. The girls start laughing and screaming and smash the door closed forgetting all about what they said before. They continue on with their round of finding Maia.


"So how long have you known Jupiter for?" Marcus asks to strike up a conversation.

"Such a long time, she's really the best person ever", Maia replies smiling

"You know I think she's mentioned you before ", he says remembering them at one his matches before.

"Oh lord, what has she said now?" she gasps in fear of what embarrassing memory she's told.

"No, god no. Nothing in particular, I just remember you were at one of United's matches and I asked her who the pretty girl with her was", Marcus replies filling the room with silence.

The silence isn't awkward though. They stare at each other's eyes, sorta waiting for either one to make a move. Marcus places his hand on her thigh and the other on her cheek as their faces inch closer to each other. He goes in for it with passion making Maia feel butterlies all over her body. They make their way deeper into the bed but suddenly the room door opens.

"Go Maia, get that D!" Dayana shouts whilst Larissa, Natalia, Adira and Solly and Amelia, who had joined the search,  just stare at them with their mouths wide open.

"What the fuck Daya... and Isa... and all of you!" Maia yells but too late, the girls have already disappeared, "I'm so sorry, I really have to go!" she continues and exits the room before Marcus can get a word in.

Maia goes running after the girls and chases the hallways all the way to the room where Victoria, Madeline and Isabella have been gossiping and partially hiding from Bella's destined boy.

"Bella you don't actually hate him, do you? Oh, hi! Looks like you found her", Madi giggles.

"And you will never guess who she was with", Amelia says holding in her laughter.

"MARCUS RASHFORD!" the rest of the girls practically scream.

"No details need to be discussed, thank you. Now where's Jups?" Maia says before Bella, Vic or Madi can ask any more questions.

"Oh lord..." Nat sighs.

A moment of silence before Maia can read their faces, "You know what, atleast one of us can get some. Nice way to cock block someone. But are you guys sure it was her with him?"

"Loud and clear", Kat replies like she's been waiting chime in.

"I think it's time for us to go home, well everyone expect Jups", Solly says looking at everyone in the room.

The girls start to gather things as Bella and Maia both make their way back trying to find Marcus and the boy Bella claims to hate. They eventually do, but just say their goodbye's and what-not's.


i don't know how to end a chapter,
sorry 😭 thanks for reading,
reminder to vote 🫶

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