chapter 15

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Maia had spent Christmas with her parents in America, as Marcus spent it with his folks back home. They had been distant before Christmas because Marcus had a lot of away games.

They were going to a get together for New Year's though. All of Maia's friends couldn't come, since they were doing New Year's at home too.

Jupiter and Amelia were coming, as were their little interests, Mason and Bukayo. The others stayed back home, which was upsetting for everyone but understandable.

"Hey Marcus can you give me my phone?" Maia yells from the bathroom where she's doing her makeup.

"Wait a second!", he replies texting someone.

"Oh my god, hurry up please", she pleads as she has waited a minute.

"I'm coming, just calm down", he finally replies and his footsteps get closer.

She could hear a little attitude in his voice but it wasn't a surprise these days. She didn't know if it was the fact that they spent too much time together or that they stopped spending time together for quite some time during Christmas. She didn't want to think about it too much and it didn't seem to bother Marcus.

Maia made a groupchat, just to talk with Melia and Jups since she didn't want to bother everyone else.



can we get ready at
one of urs?

best girl
come to mine in like 15

smelly melly
fine by me

i'll be there

marcus is pissing
me the fuck off

smelly melly
bro what did he do?

idk he's just off and
idk what it's ab

plus we're both just
like annoying at each
other and it's frustrating

best girl
just talk with him

smelly melly
i second that

i will tomorrow
i'll talk ab this when
i get there

how's saka n mase

smelly melly
i'm gonna be the hottest
person he's ever seen tyvm

we're still talking i can't
tell if he likes me or what

best girl
he's just like so nice and
his smile i'm melting

i just feel weird i should
go back to being a hookah

u just haven't been treated
kindly by a guy ever or smth

melia js kiss him and you'll
find out 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

smelly melly
i'll take that into

good, see y'all


"I'm gonna go to Jups, see you there, okay?" Maia yelps from the door.

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