chapter 10

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It's been a month since the night in Paris. Maia had her last meeting with her therapist couple of days ago. She's been getting a lot more sleep since she's not been sleeping alone.

"Good morning", she hears a whisper in her ear and feels soft lips on her cheek making her blush a little.

"Morning", she replies putting her hand on his head to show affection, "My parents and sister are flying in today late, they're gonna stay at my place so I have to go atleast welcome them in."

"I can come with you, you know to meet them", he says still hugging her waist keeping her close.

"I'm sure they've seen all the gossip but yeah. I need to go clean up the place, god knows how messy it is there since I haven't been there for weeks", she laughs, "Don't you have practice today though?"

"It's in a couple of hours so I can drop you off to clean and then go there and come by after. If that's cool?" he questions.

"Of course, we need to get up now then", she states pulling herself out of his arms.


Maia waves Marcus goodbye and starts searching for her home keys. There, she opens the door to a dark, cold house. It's been a while since she's been there, even though she's occasionally needed more clothes and stuff. The house isn't as bad s she thought, mainly her own bedroom.

She gets to cleaning as she finds the dress she wore that night under a pile of clothing she's folding away. It's a sparkly champagne colored mini slip on. God it's beautiful. Suddenly she gets flashbacks from it. Feeling useless she hovers over to the wall, sits down and presses her head to her knees letting out a silent sob.


The door opens, Marcus walks in calling out her name. Shit she thinks, not wanting him to know she's still not fully past it. She gets up throwing the dress under her bed and walks to the bathroom.

"Are you here?" he calls out again.

"Yeah, in the bathroom. Just a minute", she answers taking a deep breath in. She grabs her makeup bag trying to cover up that she's been crying. She walks out to Marcus standing outside. Putting on a brave smile she says, "I'm fine, really."

"No you're not, but it's okay", he says after seeing her room still sort of a mess, "Now I'll help you clean up and we can welcome your family together."

"Thank you for being like this", she says giving him a small hug and then continuing with instructions on cleaning.


"Oh, I've missed you so much! How's the land of freedom?", Maia jokes pulling her sister into a warm hug as her parents walk in to admire the house.

"Haha, it's great. Not the same without you though", Sylvia replies rubbing Maia's back.

She pulls out the hug to introduce her family to Marcus and vice versa, "Mom, dad, Sylvia, this is Marcus, he's pretty cool and whatever. Marcus, this is Emma, Andrew and Sylvia, they're also great."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Stone and Mr. Garfield", Marcus says going in to shake hands.

"Oh stop it, we're on first name basis", Emma replies pulling him in for a hug.

Maia smiles watching her family get along with the man she loves so well. A subtle smile appears on her before she leads them into the kitchen to have dinner. She made pasta, the only thing she knows how cook well.


"Here's the key for you, and the spare is on the counter if Syl needs it's. We're gonna go explore Manchester tomorrow! Text me if you need anything", Maia says continuing with goodbyes as they head out the door.

"They definitely like you!" Maia says after shutting the door.

"You think?" Marcus says with doubt in his voice.

"Of course! Let's be honest who wouldn't like you?" she states going into the car, "Which Taylor swift song suits the situation?"

"How would I know? I'm only me when I'm with you?" he replies raising an eyebrow.

"Oh I'm gonna cry", she says connecting her phone on aux.


"You guys need to come over to USA with us next!" Andrew says hugging her daughter at the airport.

"When Marcus isn't on the field, we will! So probably a long time", Maia laughs, "Ah I'm gonna miss you so much, thank you for coming. And my house better not be a mess"

"It's not I cleaned it up, are you gonna be okay though", Emma asks knowing what happened.

"Yeah, I'll be okay. I have the best friends and boyfriend", Maia replies knowing they've never made it 'official' but that's what it is.

"Our gates just opened, I love you and we need to facetime more babe", her sister says grabbing her luggage.

"We will, I love you all too", Maia says feeling pure happiness in herself.


Hopping into bed after the day all Maia can think of is how things are looking better and how happy she is in her current state. She has the best friends in the whole world and an amazing man laying beside him. They scroll on their phones looking through twitter and such before she gets up to turn the lights off. She gets back and lays on her side with him placing his arm over her waist making her feel so safe and sound. How can one be so patient and careful with me?


sorry for these short chapter
omg. i have a LOT of exams
for the next like month but
i'll still try to update atleast
once a day. sorry in advance
if i can't

thanks for reading
& voting 💯🔥😘

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