chapter 9

509 10 15

TW : this might still raise feelings, so again please stop reading if this makes you feel uncomfortable any way.

God I look like shit. Maia's been spending the past few days in bed dodging everyone's calls and texts watching films. She decides to finally open her phone to multiple missed calls and unanswered texts.


BEST GIRL 12 missed

MADI 💓💞🩷 7 missed calls

MARCUS ❤️ 8 missed calls

DAY IN THE LIFE 5 missed calls

STARGIRLS ⭐ +99 messages

BABY BELLS 11 new messages



kitty kat 😺
where is this girl

sun 🌞
hope she's okay

victory 👑
@maia papay we
miss you girl :(

maia papaya
hi sorry, i've been watching
movies for the few days
and trying to catch up
on sleeping

madi 💓💞🩷
thank god she's alive
how are you feeling

my mother
did you get that therapy
session booked or
do you need help

maia papaya
i'm semi ok idk
how i'm supposed
to feel

i just wanna lay in
bed and hibernate
for the rest of my life

best girl
me and melia can
come over?

smelly melly
yeah, do u want
us 2

maia papaya
no it's fine, i'm not
really in the mood

rissa 🫶
yk you can talk to
us, right? it's okay

maia papaya
yes, i love y'all and
thank you for caring

day in the life
we love u too ❤️



marcus ❤️
are we good? did
something happen?

call me

i'm sorry, do u
wanna come over?

marcus ❤️
sure, i'll be over
in like 20



20 minutes fuck Maia thinks. She still doesn't know wether she's ready to tell him or not. She decides to call up Jupiter, she's known him way longer and could know how to help.

"Hi Jups, so Marcus is coming over in exactly 17 minutes now and I don't know what to do", Maia says as Jupiter picks up the phone.

"Coming over as in you invited him? Weren't we good enough?" Jups questions as a joke making Maia smile a little

"Yes I texted him. I don't know if I'm ready to tell him about everything. I feel disgusting and I feel like he'll hate me but I don't know what I'd say to him. Maybe I just need to tell him I cant do this right now", Maia rambles making the line quiet for a second.

"Hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I promise you he will not hate you. It was not your fault. You don't have to tell him but he's been really worried about you. I didn't say anything but I kinda did tell him you'd explain it when you're ready. I'm sorry", Jups gulps worried about the response.

"Shit... You know what, whatever it's fine. I'll try maybe, I don't know", Maia replies finish the phone call with 'I love yous'.


They sit on her couch after exchanging hello's. The atmosphere was off and they could both sence it. Maia was trying to think of ways to explain what happened but she couldn't so she sticked to plan B.

"Look I don't know if this is gonna wo-" Maia tries to say being cut off by Marcus.

"Stop. I know something happened but I also know you don't want to, or can't talk about it and it's okay", he reassures, "But you know, whatever it is, it's not gonna make me feel any different about you. Nothing could."

She burst into tears, not being able to say anything. It takes a while for her calm down and catch her breath again but he sits there and waits for her. "It's okay", she hears him say, making her feel a little better.

"I just. I feel like dirty and gross and like I should just disappear. Everything happened so fast. One second I was in the bar and the other I was being shoved to ground by some drunk shithole. I don't really remember anything and I really don't want to. And I understand if you can't look at me the same or if you never wanna see me again or if you hate me", she says slurring some words trying to say everything as quickly as possible with a single tear drop rolling down her cheek.

"It's okay, calm down. You don't need to tell me", he says placing his hand gently on hers seeing if she can receive it, "Just tell me what I can do to not make you feel shit, and I couldn't possibly hate you for something that wasn't your fault. I never could."

"I don't know, okay? I just need a little time. I can't sleep, I can't eat. I just, god I don't know! And I thought or think that I love you but now my head is mess and I don't know what's real anymore!" she breaks down again but this time laying herself in his arms and he comforts her the best of his ability. For once she isn't afraid of affection and the touch of another person. She feels safe in his arms trying to hold on to the thought that he'd never hurt her.

"I love you too", he whispers caressing her cheek with his thumb.


shorter chapter i'm
having a block, i'll
write more tmrw 🤗

thanks for reading
& voting 😍😍

missed calls - marcus rashford Where stories live. Discover now