chapter 7

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Maia, Amelia and Jupiter get ready to unboard their plane. The flight wasn't long but they were still exhausted. Maia made sure neither of them left anything on the plane as she had picked up from Natalia. They were gonna meet the rest of the girls in the airport with Madeline and Larissa picking them up.

"Man I am tired", Maia states walking down the stairs off the plane.

"U sure it was just the plane or something else?" Melia laughs hitting her shoulder.

Maia giggles not giving her a reply. They get inside the airport and head to baggage claim. It feels like multiple minutes waiting for the correct suitcases to arrive but thanfully they do. The first people they find are Bella and Nat, then Solly and finally Kat, Dira, Daya and Bella. Expecting the paparazzi to try to find them again, they make their way out as quickly as they can.

"Bro what is taking them so long?" Bella questions getting hungry and mad.

"No clue, let me text them", Solly replies grabbing her phone, she continues "Oh Isa just thought the last plane arrives an hour later, they're coming right now."


"HI MADISA!" the girls scream when they get of their cars like it was part of a practiced routine.

"Well hello there, welcome to France," Madi says with a questionable stare.

"We're getting food like right now", Tori distrupts as her stomach growls.

"Alright then, we both need to take 5 people in so try to fit in", Isa states as they've driven there with two cars that wouldn't normally fit 6 people and their baggage.


"I'm gonna need a big fat information package of everyones lives. Starting alphabetically Adira is first, then Amelia etc.," Natalia states wanting to give her motherly advice.

"Well me and Lucas are doing great and we're happy and I think I'm inlove with him. There's really nothing to tell, I'm happy", Dira replies with a warm feeling filling her heart.

"Awe", Amelia says, she smiles and continues "I guess it's my turn now. Me and Mason are also good, it's going at a steady phase but I really like him."

"You guys make me wanna die", Victoria complains even though it isn't her turn, "Well clearly there's absolutely nothing going on in my love life but atleast I'm thriving as a single hot girl!"

"My queen hoe!" Daya hypes her up, "Uhm well, I met this rapper or whatever. Cench, I think? At a party and I was wasted and shit happened and he helped me. It was cute but I don't know man."

"I knew this ahahaa!" Isabella says sticking her tongue out, she continues "I don't think I need to remind you, I am TIRED of being forced to hang out with Jude. Thanks to Maia. BUT on the other hand, he hasn't been so asshole-y? I don't know it's been weird as fuck."

"Bro when can you admit that you like him?" Jupiter questions making Bella want to throw hands and the rest of the girls nod their heads in agreement, "Well we all know what happened with the man we shall NOT name, he can get fucked. But I've been seeing this one guy. He's kind and sweet and everything the other one wasn't. It's kinda throwing me off."

"This girl has never experienced love, oh lord. And by 'this one guy' I think we all know you're talking about Bu-" Katarina tries to say as Jups puts her hand on Kat's mouth, making the girls laugh. As she releases it, Kat continues with a short reply "Okay then. Well me and Diego are great and happy together."

"I wish man", Larissa says taking a deep breath in, "I still can't believe he said 'no'. My heart is crushed, but Madi said that Leo said that it wasn't serious and that he said I was hot? I'm gonna go mental."

"Ria please, of course he thinks you're hot. Who wouldn't?" Madeline remarks making the girls nod, "And I think y'all know I'm married, locked in with kids too. Life is great and my family is the light of my life. I love Leo and the kids."

"Gonna go sleep on the highway tonight, thank you", Maia states making the girls furrow their brows, "Oh my god, we're good. Things are going slowly but I'm just in awe every day with him and I think I love him? I'm too afraid to admit it, I mean isn't it so soon. Also Madi talking about her full on husband and kids just makes me jealous."

"Love is literally never 'too early', just say it to him, not us. Do I really need to reply too", Natalia asks making all of the girls says yes, "Well we're just as fine as Madi and Leo. Family life is so good and exciting even though it can also be exhausting. Richarlison is an amazing dad tho and helps me out a lot."

"Oh my god, I hate you all. Tori I stand with you. I need to meet someone as soon as possible", Soleil states and puts her hand around Tori's shoulder.

"Well, Leo may or may not be hosting something later this week and we're all going to go and there's gonna be his football friends. Isa as much I hate to say this, you can meet Kylian there."

"OH MY GOD. THANK YOU LIONEL MESSI", Isa squeals jumping up and down making the girls laugh their asses off.


@maiastone posted a story

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@maiastone posted a story


@user5692 : so this is what it feels like to have friends? damn

@sggcfangirl : y'all are so beautiful 😍😍

@marcusrashford : dang this why i wasn't invited? stay safe love ❤️

@adirarosewood : we're so hot, on god

@ameliamurphy : my girls 🤗


The girls stayed up singing and dancing around to their favorite pop hits from Taylor Swift. The night continued with some casual cocktails and the girls getting tipsy. Maia looked around at everyone having a blast. She was so grateful for the little friend group she had formed around. They were all so special to her. One by one they fell asleep at Larissa's small apartment, since they didn't want to bother Leo and the kids.


this was a chapter to
fill y'all in on everything
i don't know bro, sorry
for the time skip i'm lazy

thanks for reading
& voting 🔥🔥🔥

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