4 a: You've Ruined My Life By Not Being Mine

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Alejandra had gone to bed long ago, once she realized you scared easily it wasn't so much fun staying up with the guys. She didn't know how you did it, especially since you've been living with the dynamic duo for the last three months. She left Sebastian and Anthony in the living room watching the hour hand go around the clock.

You told Sebastian not to wait up but he couldn't help it. The tension was thick in the air between the two friends and neither could bring themselves to break the silence. When you finally did get back to the apartment, it was 9:30 a.m and both men were pacing the hallways. Stumbling in through the door you froze when you saw them awake with dark circles under their eyes.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Sebastian yelled, shocking not just you but Anthony and a sleeping Alejandra. You opened and closed your mouth, willing an answer to come but nothing came due to the clear intoxication. "You said don't wait but I didn't expect you to be gone all night."

You couldn't stop the laugh from escaping you, Sebastian's reaction was extreme. Especially since it concerned you. "You don't really care, do you?" Anthony's gasp could be heard from across the room because it had only been a few hours since he had seen you last. This was not what he expected to walk through the front door.

"(Y/n), you're my best friend! Of course I care," Sebastian's response was quick, but it was filled with so many unasked questions. His usually crystal blue eyes, stormy as he fought his hurt. Desperate to get to the bottom of your sudden spiral.

Shaking your head, you tried to regain your composure to walk past him but your legs felt like Jell-O from walking your escapades from the night before. You were literally stuck in the spot, an open target for interrogation and Sebastian was going for it. "I wouldn't have stayed up all night wondering where the hell you wandered off too in the middle of Atlanta. You're young, you're also a lightweight and I have no idea who this Jacob guy is that you went out with-"

"You mean Zendaya's boyfriend?" You sputtered out, confused by Sebastian's crazy assumption. "I went out with my friends, and your co-star."

"Tom?" Anthony questioned, you had both forgotten his presence until now. Letting out a breath you had been holding in, you nodded your head. "That kid has had a crush on you from the moment he met you." You could hear the disappointment in his voice as Anthony drew a conclusion that could only get messy.

"I didn't know he was going to be there - apparently he was with Jake and Zendaya," you shrugged your shoulders, skirting past Anthony's confession.

"I know what Zendaya's friends are like," Sebastian scoffed, trying to gain control of the conversation again. Get to the bottom of your spontaneous night out.

"I grew up with the same kids, Shake it Up! Remember?" you shot back, starting to gain a backbone.  There was no way Sebastian was going to go after the only people to ever make you feel like a first choice and not have you defend them. "It's not like I'm any better, or did you forget why Disney channel let me go?"

"You know that doesn't compare to what most of those kids are up to now," there was the word again. Kid.

"If you haven't forgotten Sebastian, I am still a kid," you growled, the word being spat with so much venom that Alejandra had finally emerged from the room. Coming from his room, in the button up shirt you had bought for him. "I'm younger than Tom and Zendaya for Christ sakes. If they are kids then what do you think I am?"

The question hung in the air, and by now Alejandra had woken up enough to read the room. No one understood what made the blonde talk, but when she spoke s ethane  realized the older woman wasn't as mature as everyone had thought. "Right now I'd say you're acting like a toddler,"

"This doesn't concern you sweetheart," Sebastian spoke, scarily calm. This whole weekend was a mistake, that was clear to him now. Sebastian thought you and Alejandra would get along, but seeing two of his favorite people staring at each other with such contempt quickly killed that hopeful fantasy.

"Well if you two weren't screaming at each other at -" Alejandra froze to look at the clock on the wall, need to be accurate for some stupid reason, "At 10:30 in the morning, it wouldn't be my business. Except you are screaming at each other and now it is my business."

"Nothing Sebastian and I do will ever be your business ma'am," the way you were quick to defend yourself today surprised Alejandra. This wasn't the same little mouse that ran away the night before, quickly taking in your appearance, Alejandra was forced to draw a harsh conclusion. Sebastian was jealous and that angered her.

"Listen here little girl, your just his friend. The younger co-worker that he looks at like a little sister, but know your fucking, sister," and just like that you felt sober. "Even Tony agrees with me on this."

Looking at the scene in front of you, the tears came on quickly and silently. "Y'know what? Whatever all this is about, isn't worth it."  Looking to Anthony for some help, completely confused at this point. Sebastian wasn't being Sebastian at the moment and you felt cornered with no one else to turn to.

"Ms. Onieva, I think it'd be best if you got a hotel for the rest of your stay," Anthony's voice was loud and firm as he used Sebastian's girlfriend's last name to address her instead of the lovely nickname he had given her the night before.

"Estúpidos compañeros de cuarto," the blonde started to spurt Spanish as she rolled her eyes before zeroing in on you. "Don't act so innocent, cariño. You may have this doe eyed, starstruck thing going but I know when I see a snake."

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