Part 5: My Reputation Has Never Been Worse, so

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Sebastian listened as Alejandra screamed at him in a language he didn't understand - it went on for what felt like hours but, then finally she calmed. Alejandra's anger disappeared but the sadness was still in her eyes. When his ex-girlfriend spoke to him - in a language that he could understand, Sebastian could hear the disgust in her voice as she spoke to him.

"Everything I said this morning was true Sebastian. (Y/n) is only 21 years old - you're throwing away a sure thing on a young girl who isn't ready for the type of commitment you want," Sebastian wanted to roll his eyes at her words but instead thought carefully about what he would say next.

"We're not going to talk about her," That was definitive, and Alejandra quickly accepted that. "I will apologize for how everything played out and my role in this mess but understand that the failure of our relationship has absolutely nothing to do with you." It was then that Sebastian finally left the hotel room of another failed chapter in his life.

Sebastian knew he should have been more upset, but all he could think about was the (y/h/c) haired, (y/e/c) eyed, woman that was waiting for him at the apartment. There was still a lot of talking to do, especially with Anthony since he was partially collateral in this situation. Quickly, but carefully Sebastian made his way back across toward the apartment, the dark street lights bright on the dark Atlantic streets - his only thought was to get to you.

When he finally arrived in the entryway of the apartment, it finally dawned on him that it was nearing 5:30 in the evening. What if you took everything back? What if you didn't believe that it took all this to break up with Alejandra? Without taking off his shoes, Sebastian took off across the apartment in search of you  but it seemed unnecessary as he quickly came upon you on the living room sofa. Your (y/h/c) hair was pulled into a messy bun on top of your head, your legs were tucked up underneath you as you waited for him.

"I'm sorry it took so long-" Sebastian didn't get to say much else because your lips were on his in a hurry, and you were the only woman that ever had the ability to make Sebastian putty - kissing you back in an instant. You couldn't wait any longer and from the way Sebastian was barreling in, you knew he had broken up with Alejandra. With nothing laying on either of your consciences, you gave into your biggest temptation.

When you finally pulled away the largest smile was on your face. "You're beautiful, dragă," Sebastian murmured again, needing to reassure you every chance got because he had fucked up majorly.

So caught up in his new found love, Sebastian didn't notice his second roommate sitting near the kitchen island. Gagging sounds erupted from the barstool furthest from the couple, causing Sebastian to jump away from you, while you began to laugh. "Did you forget about me, Seabass?" Anthony joked as Sebastian's face turned a bright shade of red realizing his best friend had witnessed the ridiculous display of affection.

"Could never forget about you," Sebastian chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Listen, I'm sorry I ruined our Friends Christmas."

"Don't you apologize Stan," Anthony's face broke into a big grin as he gestured at the two of you. "I think seeing you and (Y/n) together is enough to make up for it. Maybe now you'll be less disgusting." While Anthony hoped that to be true, he knew you and Sebastian were about to get worse. Especially since Sebastian was about to get extremely clingy.

"So...I remember someone mentioning ordering food last night?" Sebastian suggested, trying to save what he could off the night with his two favorite people. Anthony nodded his head in agreement while you were already pulling up one of your many food apps. Without saying a word the two guys went to work preparing the living room for a movie night.

After 30 minutes, the always reliable chinese takeout was delivered to your door and everyone was currently sitting on the floor as How The Grinch Stole Christmas played on the television. Everything felt right in the world as you leaned into Sebastian's side, while Anthony stuffed his face with wontons. You, Sebastian and Anthony stayed like this until suddenly your phone was blowing up with your agent's ID.

You quickly apologized before walking off into the kitchen to answer the call.

"(Y/L/N) phone, this is (Y/f/n) speaking," You laughed into the receiver, expecting to hear a chuckle from your amazing agent Rebecca but all you heard was a loud sigh. It was serious. "Bec's, what's wrong?"

"You haven't seen the article yet, have you?" Her voice was calm but setting off all your warning bells.

"I've been having dinner with Anthony and Sebastian, I haven't picked up my phone in over an hour," You whispered, keeping an eye on the guys in the living room. "Rebecca, what article?"

"Around 6 pm TMZ posted an article regarding you and Mr. Stan," There was a hesitation on the other side of the phone call while Rebecca chose her words carefully. "It was mostly about how some insider was claiming to know, for a fact that you and Mr. Stan are in a relationship, but if that were true you would have told me before it got out." You felt your stomach churn, that was impossible - no one but Anthony knew about the new romance between you and Sebastian.

"I didn't have time," You squeaked out after a pregnant silence, letting one more person in on what should be a private person. "It only happened this evening - I," You were speechless, and now you had set off Sebastian's warning bells as he started to sense your distress.

"It's not that article that I'm worried about, sugar," She finally admitted, it was like she was working up the nerve to tell you the worst of this tabloid blast. "It's the article that came out ten minutes after that one. It contained everything." Just like that your whole world came crashing down, your phone dropped from your hand as you remembered just how much Disney Channel had covered up for you.

"(Y/N)!" You could hear your agent yelling for you but it didn't matter because the second your phone hit the floor it shattered - effectively ending the call.

"Frumosa," Sebastian jumped to his feet the second he saw the phone slip from your hand, rushing to your aid. You were shaking as he approached, the shock of your situation setting in quickly. "Dragă, what's got you so spooked?" His voice was gentle, and your grip on reality as everything seemed to slip out of your fingers. Mutely, you asked for the blue eyed man's phone and thankfully he complied.

It didn't take much for you to find the article - it was the first thing on Sebastian's twitter headline when you logged on. For a moment you were scared to show him but it didn't matter because you had already told him. The only reason it mattered now is because it could tank both of your careers in minutes. "Do you love me more than your reputation?" You shakily asked, attempting to swallow the lump in your throat.

"I'd give up acting for you," with how quickly Sebastian answered, you knew it was the truth so wordlessly you handed back his phone.Watching as he read through your wild history in large print, on the most viewed website in America regarding celebrity news.

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