𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙚/𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙚

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𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙚/𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙚

"Ah- fuck fuck FUCK!" The pace was too fast. You could barely keep up but Ushijima was not planning on slowing down or stopping. Your legs have grown numb all you feel was the burning sensation in your lungs, coming out with each breath shaky and ragged. The burn in your lungs spreads throughout your chest. It is bearable but hurts. The only thing keeping you from collapsing was pride; you didn't want to show Ushijima that you couldn't take it. So you continued.

"Come on Y/n.. Don't you dare stop." Ushijima notices your shaking legs and how your body slowed down from exhaustion but you had brought this upon yourself. Constantly testing his patience, stopping without permission, and..

Not taking care of your body during the weekend.

"Alright, you're done." With the press of a button on the treadmill the pace slowed down and your body flopped on the floor for the hundredth time today.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" You ask with the so little breath you have left.

"If you weren't slacking off on the weekends you wouldn't be so tired when we train." Ushijima hands your water to your now hunched over body trying to catch your breath. He watches you chug your water and gulp the whole thing in a matter of seconds. "Look at you y/n...You look exhausted. I hate seeing you like this."

"You're such a damn liar." you detected the sarcasm in his voice. The whole entire session Ushijima hasn't given you any time to break or rest like he usually does. He's turned everything up. The treadmill is 6.7 mph instead of 6.0, when doing weights it's 30 pounds instead of 20, and a 2 minute plank instead of one (and everyone knows how hard planks are).

You arrogantly got up with all your strength stepping closer to Ushijima pushing a finger in the center of his chest before giving him a piece of your mind. "This whole entire day you haven't given me any break! And what am I supposed to do on the weekends, I can't just relax and have fun! I don't want to have to exercise during my weekend!"

As You continued with your rant Ushijima stopped listening. Instead he was stuck on you. How cute you looked even when you were angry. With you this close he got a better look of all your perfect features. Your doll-like eyes, so alluring that puts him into a trance every time he makes eye contact with you, Your lips which Ushijima imagines are supple and soft he would kill just to feel them with his own, And Your face and body glistened with the sweat from working out. But he wonders when the time will come when he doesn't have to admire you from afar. When will you be his?

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