Chapter 16

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No one's POV:
The alarm clock started ringing, it was finally time to wake up and start working once more. "Mmh... Sunny, turn off the alarm..." Moon muttered, pulling the blankets over his head. Sun turned around pushing the button, putting the alarm to snooze. She got out of bed stretching a bit to get her body moving again "Come on moon, we have to get up before the kids arrive..." she told him, as she lightly tapped his head to wake him up, but it didn't work "5 more minutes...". Sun looked at him, knowing those 5 min are going to turn into an hour or 2. "Fine, once I'm done getting ready you better be up okay" she said as she left to go get ready to work.

Suns POV:
'Why is he always like this... he knows that he isn't going to wake up until later'. I've been living with Moon for a few months now, he's always been such a heavy sleeper. One time he got fed up with waking up early, that he turned off the alarm clock making the both of us over sleep. We both got in trouble that day, since we didn't wake up until Vanessa came in are room and woke the both of us up. We both got scolded by her and the parents, that day I was so mad at him that I ignored him all day. He did apologize do... but I was still mad!
I quickly got changed into my daycare uniform, having to put my long skirt since my pants are dirty. I looked in the mirror to check myself out "My hair is getting longer I need to go get a hair cut soon" I muttered. I've never liked my hair. In the past I used to have it long... my Mom would always love to brush it out and style it differently every day... but at some point... I just stopped. I don't remember why exactly, but at some point I cut it all off. I may have looked like a boy, since I went a bit too far, but I didn't mind.
I tied up my hair and got out, seeing moon still in bed. 'Seriously. Well I didn't want to use my secret weapon', I giggled evilly. As I positioned myself to charge at him. "Wakey! Wakey! TIME TO WAKE UP NOW!" I shouted as I jumped on him, pulling the blankets off of his face. "Oof!- SUNNY WHAT THE FUCK!" "NO CURSING! What did I tell you about that mouth of yours!" I scolded him, he got up a bit, leaning against the wall, as I sat on his lap smiling brightly. "Sorry... BUT WHY DID YOU JUMPED ON ME!?" "Because you didn't wake up" I replied. He looked at me dead in the eyes with 'are you serious' face while I looked at him smiling like always.
"Fine..." he muttered, pulling me into a tight hug, "Yay! Now time to get the daycare ready!-" as I tried to get up he wouldn't let go, but instead he laid back down pulling me with him. "Moon! No! Not now! Get up!" I shouted, as I tried wiggling out of his grasp. "Mmh, I'm comfy, so no." He whispered, as he pulled me closer to him, putting his head on my chest. "Come on! We're both going to be late for work moon!" I told him, but he ignored me, I could feel him going back to sleep. I have to think fast! What's something he would hate that would happen think! "Would you rather for Vanessa to come here and scold us again" he perked up looking at me, a bit angry that I mentioned her name. I could hear him grumbling, he got up from bed and went to go get changed. I giggled a bit, seeing his little reaction, he acts like the children when they don't want to have nap time.

~time skip~
Sun POV:
   The kids where running around having fun playing with each other. Thankfully there wasn't as many teens around than yesterday, but they did seem a bit rude. I tried to interact with them but they ignored me and left somewhere. I haven't seen any of them the rest of the day, 'they might have grown tired and left' I thought. I kept walking around making sure all of the children were safe until I heard someone crying. I quickly rushed over seeing the group of teens picking on one of the kids...
"Please just leave me alone!" the little girl cried out, as she tried to get back up, but was pushed back down by one of them. "Look she's crying, how pathetic~ there is nobody here to help you." One of them said, as they pulled her hair.
"Please Solar I don't want to go to school today. Can't I just stay at home with you and Momma" Sun begged him, as she hold him into a tight hug. "Sun you know you can't skip today. What's the matter, you used to love going to school" he asked, looking at her with concern. "The kids there pick on me... I just don't want to go... please let me stay" "If they pick on you again tell me, okay. I have to take care of Mom today she isn't in the best condition today, so I cant be taking care of you too.". Sun looked down at the floor, knowing her mom is not well and could possibly never recover from her sickness. "Come on you have to go now before it gets late. I'll pick you up later okay" he told her, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead before he dropped her off at school.
      'Just don't look up and stay quiet, they won't pick on you if they don't notice you' Sun thought to herself, soon class begun. As she drew in her notebook, a few kids came around her. "Hey sun, why weren't you here yesterday or the day before that. We missed you so dearly, and we didn't get to have are fun~" one of them said, as they pulled her hair a bit. The others taking her notebook away from her, but she stayed quiet and looked down. 'Don't say anything... don't talk back... they will get bored eventually...' she told herself. "What's this you have here? Another one of those stupid drawings of yours, how pathetic." They ripped the paper in half, crumbling all up. They continued to mess with her stuff and pulling her hair harshly, the teacher was no where in sight so nobody could help her out. "Ow-  stop pulling on my hair please..." she whimpered. All of them looked at her annoyed, "We're just trying to have some fun. Don't be a party pooper and ruin this by crying again. Or you will suffer again."
    They said, soon the teacher came back noticing all of them out of there seats. "Children take a seat now, you can all play later" they told them, not knowing what they were doing to Sun. "Stay quiet or you will get something way worse" one of them whispered as they left to go take a seat. Leaving sun tearing up a bit, the teacher walked towards her noticing all of the mess. "Hey sun are you alright, you seem to be crying" Sun looked down, quickly whipping her tears off "I'm a-alright Ms..." she muttered. There was giggling in the background, but as soon as the teacher looked back it stopped. As they didn't want to get caught.
~end of flashback~

    It was getting harder and harder to breath, my heart was racing and I couldn't move... 'Come on! Why can't I calm down! Just go help her! Do something!'. I couldn't move, I just watched as they beated her up. Soon Moon came running towards them, and stopped everything. I couldn't hear anything, there was just a loud ringing noise. I quickly ran away, tears quickly running. I noticed a storage closet near by, I got inside shutting the door behind me. 'Why am I shaking... why can't I calm myself down... just take a few deep breath's and everything will be fine...' I thought to myself. For a bit i managed to calm myself a bit, until the lights of the closet went out. I started to panic a bit, being afraid of the dark. I tired opening the door but it seemed to be locked, 'Come on... please open up... I'm afraid... please...' I tried using all of my force to open it up but ended up failing. I started to bang on the door shouting for help, hopping someone would open it, but nobody came... My head started hurting a bunch, and a memory played... something I have forgotten over the years.
A small group of kids gathered around sun, as they beated her up. "What did we tell you not to do." "I'm sorry! I promise I won't cry again! Please!" "You should have thought of that before you came crying to the teacher.". Two of them soon grabbed a hold of her, and tossed her inside of a supplies closet in the dark. "Please don't leave me here! I'm scared!" She shouted though the door, but the ignored her and left her there. "Please! I promise I won't cry anymore! Just open the door or turn on the lights!" She shouted, not realizing they had already left her.
    Soon the bell rang, signaling that recess was finally over and it was finally time to go back home, but she was stuck in there. Left in the dark, as everyone left...
~End of flashback~

Moons POV:
"Sun! Where are you!", I have been looking for Sun for a bit. I haven't seen her around the daycare for half an hour. She wouldn't have left without telling me. As I walked around the daycare, I heard crying coming from the storage closet. As I opened it up, I saw Sun on the floor crying. "Sunny! There you are, what happened, why are you in here crying..." I asked her as I helped her get up. She didn't say anything, she just kept crying. 'What happened...'

(Happy Mother's Day everyone! Go to your mom right away and give them a big hug. Anyways thanks for reading, next part should be out Friday! Have a great day/night ❤️)

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