Falling for The Nerd Part 6

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My god has Jade been driving me crazy. She is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. She just doesn't know it. Her eyes are an amazing brown colour. Whenever i glare at her eyes they give me butterflies. I know it sounds weird for a guy to have butterflies but that's the effect she has on me. Oh god her smile is amazing. Every time she smiles at me it's like i'm in heaven. She is too gorgeous.

This new Dean guy has gotton on my nerves. I think he wants to use Jade and i don't like the idea of it. Jade doesn't need to be treated like this and i will do whatever it takes to get her or to make her feel loved. She deserves better, but whenever i'm around her i get nervous and shy. It's not usually me. It's because she makes me feel like that. 

I decided to call Jade this morning so maybe i could pick her up. I hope she answers or i hope she doesn't have any plans. While dialing Jade's number i got nervous. 

"Hello." Jade answered.

"Uh.. hi Jade it's Justin." 

"Oh.. I wasn't expecting you to call." She said while laughing.

"Well listen, i wanted to ask you if you'd like to get picked up by me and we could go to school together." I asked.

"Oh.. Dean was going to pick me up, but maybe next time." Jade asked.

I didn't answer after that. My breathing has gotten harder and i was so mad. I didn't know what to do or say at this point. 

"Uh.. you there Justin?" Jade asked worridly.

"Yeah... See you later i guess." I replied in a deep tone. 

I didn't really care at this point because i was going to be late for class. I quickly got dressed into some shorts and a polo shirt because it was quite hot today. I love hot weather but at the same time i love cold weather. 

I sprinted to my car and started heading to school. As soon as i am about to get my car park Dean had to go and get it. My gosh does he really have to be a showoff. 

"I got it dumbass." Dean replied. 

"Dean please be more nice." Jade told Dean while hitting him on the shoulder. That's my girl. I mean i wish. 

"I don't care... I will find another car park." I said. 

"Like there is any... Oh i see how it is your so jealous i'm with Jade." I started to get really angry at this point so i just drove off to find my car park. I don't usually get angry but it was him who keeps on making me irritated. 


Jade's point of view

The way Justin clenched his jaw while looking at Dean made me melt. He is perfect in every way but Dean is too. It's just hard who to pick you no. I feel sorry for hurting Justin's feelings and letting him down lately. 

I have P.E today, so did Justin and Dean. This sure is going to be one heck of a class. We are going to play basketball today, my favourite sport. 

"Clasd, today you will be versing a partner in basketball. It's not a proper game but it will determine wheather your a good player or not. I'm going to pick the best players for the school team. First up Dean and Justin." Mrs Scott said.

Oh no Dean is going to literally hurt Justin i can't let that happen. I have no choice but to watch. 

As soon as the game started Justin was actually really good. I mean extremely great, i think basketball is his favourite sport like me. 

"You think your so good "Nerd Boy" Dean shouted at Justin.

Justin was to busy scoring another goal in the hoop. 

"Yeah i think i'm good unlike you." Justin replied. Everyone boooohed Dean. Haha my gosh Justin is so funny. 

"Class i think Justin should be the team captain for the basketball team." Mrs Scott said in a energetic tone.

Class ended so i decided to talk to Justin. He was sweating and boy did he look hot. 


"Hey." Justin smiled at me.

"You played great out there." I blushed.

"I know i played great baby." Dean winked at me. Where did he come from?

"Yeah you played great." I told Dean.

"Yeah better than that Douche."

Justin just stared at Dean and walked off. I felt sorry for him. I want to be popular and by doing that i guess i have to stick with Dean. 


Did you like it? Should i update? Comment and fan/follow me <3 Love you all and i thank you BELIEBERS <3 

Much love Claudia xox

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