Falling For The Nerd Part 12

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I was scared of the fact that i might loose Justin. I loved him so much and i want to tell him about Dean but i don't want to take the risk. 

I was getting ready to make breakfast when i instantly hear my phone ringing. I looked at my phone and it was Justin. I wasn't going to risk anything so i thought i shouldn't answer any of his calls. I just don't want him to get hurt by Dean.

It was no use Justin kept on calling and texting me. I needed to do something about it. I was going to the grocery store for some thinking time and i needed to buy some stuff. I decided to walk which was a better option for me knowing that i will get some fresh air and exercise.

As soon as i was in the store i saw Justin. Oh shoot what am i supposed to do now? I decided to cover myself with a magazine. Justin was coming my way and accidently bumped into me. 

"Im sorry." Justin said.

I didn't say anything because he knows my voice.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked.

I started to sprint in a different direction, i wasn't in the mood for any of this. Thank goodness Justin was outside so i decided to shop for longer and after i bought my food i bumped into Dean. 

"Look who we have here...." Dean stated.

"What do you want?" I sort of screamed but i was so depressed i didn't care.

Dean put his hand over my mouth and brought me to his car. I tried to grab free from his grasp but it was no use. He then started driving me somewhere but i didn't no where he was taking me.

"Where are you taking me?" I yelled at him

"Your staying with me." Dean replied.

"Take me home NOW!." I lost it i started punching him.

"Don't you dare touch me again or i will kill you." With those words i zipped my mouth. 

I was thinking to myself maybe i can get away by swinging the car door open and jumping out. I know it's a risk but it's worth the shot. I decided to attempt something like that if we were near a gas station or some shops, then i could call justin, hopefully he would pick up. 

Dean was drving sort of slow so i thought it would be a good chance to escape plus we were near some shops. As i was about to jump out Dean looked all the doors and slapped me in the face knowing that i will have a bruise. 

"You thought you could get away?" Dean asked.

"I needed to go to the toilet." I lied hoping my plan would work.

"I think i have my period." I tried blushing hoping my plan could work.

"Fine as long as i'm outside the toilet you can go." 


Dean stopped at a petrol station and i quickly went to the toilet. I noticed that there was a window and it was opened so i decided to run to a near shop or something. I immedietly started running north hoping i could get some help. Luckily i brought my bag with me so i could possibly call Justin hoping that he would pick up.

I stopped inside a chocolate shop to make sure that Dean couldn't find me. I quickly called Justin.

"Hello Jade is that you?" Justin asked.

"Oh my god Justin i need your help quick i don't know where i am and i need to get picked up." I started to cry like a baby.

"Jade where is the area your in? I need to know if your alright... I miss you so much?" 

"I have no clue."

"umm... Are there heaps of shops?"

"I'm in a shop called Exploring Chocolate." I begged for him to know where that was.

"Oh i know where that is. Can you wait tweenty minutes?" Justin asked. 

"yes ofcourse." I told him.

I was waiting until Justin called me. I quickly jumped in his car and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I suddently blushed deep red knowing that i needed explaining to do.

"God Jade i missed you so much why didn't you answer my calls?" 

"I need to tell you something... My god i had a rough day today." A tear was sliding down my face while Justin wiped it with his thumb.

"Tell me babe it's ok." Justin called me babe for the first time, i think i'm having a mini party in my head right now.

"Umm.. the reason why i didn't reply to your calls and texts were that Dean threatened me not to talk to you because if i did he would hurt both of us and i didn't want you to get hurt. The day it happened was when we were going to watch the movie at my house and i was putting the towels in the cupboard... You remember that?" Justin looked sad.

"Well... He was in the bathroom and choked me and told me not to speak to you again then he cut my leg and said that i'm his." I started to cry.

Justin comforted me and told me not to worry because he's here now and that he wouldn't leave me. 

"I'm going to punch that bastard for doing that to you." Justin looked angry.

"What were you doing here anyway?" Justin asked.

"Dean dragged me to his car and drove off then stopped at a petrol station and i managed to escpae." I looked down at my legs.

"Oh god Jade if only i knew." 

"It's ok Justin." 

"No it's not... I should of been there to rescue you."

"I'm fine now." I tried to smile.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to spend the spring break with me... You can stay in my guest room and we could have so much fun. I was going to ask you this morning but you didn't pick up" 

"I'd love to... I was going to be by myself anyway because my parents are going to another buisness trip." I smiled even harder knowing that all spring break i can spend it with the guy i love.

"Perfect. Now let's go eat pizza and we can organize your clothes." 

Hopefully during spring break i can have a kiss or even more than that. I think Justin loves me but he's too shy to admit it or he's probably waiting for the perfect moment.


Sorry guys i haven't updated but Jade and Justin are going to spend there break together OMG YES!


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