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we gonna jump in time again in this chapter✨ there are a lot of imessages in the beginning, just to show that amelia is ignoring her mother

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we gonna jump in time again in this chapter✨ there are a lot of imessages in the beginning, just to show that amelia is ignoring her mother.

warning of smoking, drinking, and some ed episodes.


irl, imessage


amelia, why did go to grandma's event?
and with a boy
january 18th, read

stop ignoring me
january 21th, read

pick my fucking calls
january 30th, read

if you think i leave this alone, you are wrong
i told you stop things with that guy
he is not good for you
february 3rd, read

you ungrateful peace of shit
you gonna regret ignoring me
february 4th, read

i know who he is
you have to end it now
i will destroy him
february 26th, read

stop texting me
i will talk to you the whole summer
leave me and my boyfriend alone
february 26th, read

if you don't dump matt, you will end up badly.
march 4th, read


amelia read one more disrespectful and stupid message from her mother; who clearly doesn't understand boundaries.

she was stressed out by her instagram surveillance so amelia considered to block her own mother so that she would not look at her personal life. veronica (her mother) became her biggest hater.

amelia didn't think about her, her messages mean nothing to her. the most important thing right now is matt and chris having a lacrosse game tonight.

"ooooh, you are so ready." said mia, coming out from the bathroom

amelia was looking at herself on the mirror, checking her outfit for the game. she tried to pull her t-shirt on as low as possible to hide her body.

"don't you think i gained weight?" she said with insecurity.

mia turned around to her and gave have a question look.

"girl, no. who told you that?" mia came closer to her.

"no one, i just think like my belly blew up." amelia turned from side to side, lifting her t-shirt.

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