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irl, instagram


"still not sharing?" asked matt, laying on amelia's bed.

"nah... you know the rules." she smirked, pressing her notebook to her chest.

amelia and matt are in her dorm because of final project in biology. their teacher decided to make fun of them at the end of the year and forced them to do a project on crossing molecules. matt and amelia don't understand what was the point of this project, so they did it quickly but not efficiently.

"well, i have something for you." said matt, grabbing two sheets of paper.

"what is that?" asked amelia with confusion, taking the sheets.

the shock covered her, she saw in front of her eyes two tickets to the concert of her favorite artist. amelia couldn't help but smile.

"matt... i don't what to say. i can't take it." she said, giving him tickets back.

"no, you can. take it as a missed gift from me for your birthday." he said with a smile.

amelia looks at him with a smile.

"thank you so much. it means a lot to me."

"no worries, i know how much you like her songs."

"wait... but who is coming with me? i am the only one who listens nessa."

matt pointed to himself. "you? i thought you wanted me to put needles in your ears, so you will not hear it." said amelia.

"i changed my mind," he smiles. "plus you taught me that torture is a gift, so i take it."

"in that case... i have something for you." told him amelia, getting up from bed.

"what is this?"

"well, i got it for you... last year on your birthday," she grabs a box. "i wanted to give it to you when i would open up about this whole thing. so, i guess. it's a great timing."

matt takes the box and unwraps it. he sees a headphones for his twitch streams.

"i saw you started a twitch account, so, i got them for you." she smiles.

"you are insane!" said matt with excitement.

he reached out to hug her. matt hugged her very tightly but at the same time gently. he wanted to show gratitude for her attentiveness and not indifference. he appreciated the gift.

when they pulled away from each other, there were inches in between them. they both looked at each others lips with desire to kiss.

amelia was dreaming of that for a long time. since they broke up, she wanted be that close to him and be able to kiss him again like she used to. she hated the picture of his perfect lips on hers.

BLACK HEART- matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now