10: Messy Barbie (Not Your Barbie)

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Jess looked at the ladder, where stood Jordan replacing the brown stained ceiling.

Jordan spared her no look. "My, my, you are not the morning person, are you?"

Jess bit her lips as she stared at anywhere but him. "What made you think that?"

Jordan looked down and threw a stained board, she jumped back startled but hardly angry.

He eyed her from top to bottom and went back to work. "I said come after breakfast and you came around two in the afternoon."

"Sorry, I am not quite the morning person." She said her somewhat apology.

"Well, I have replaced them with the gray ones that your father left in the barn. Lucky for you, I have done everything except painting. As for the wiring, you need a professional." Jordan took his footing down.

I could help paint them or something." She walked over to the small paint bucket.

"Thank you, Mrs. Waters." She turned to see him collecting a cup of coffee.

"It is been a week since that showers of blessing. I'm surprised that the seeds are already germinating."

"Yes, ma'am. I just directed the excess water flow away from the crops, but I hope you don't mind If I call in a favor for catherine."

Jess wondered when their small talk was going to end.

"You have my word, beside it is better than being an idle lady." Emilia cast a waning smile at her daughter,who whistled and drummed her fingers against the drawer the paint sat on.

"It is great that you let go of her for my need, but it seems I have to keep my eyes on her already."

Emilia laughed as she casted her eyes very much on her daughter, before she turned back to him.

"She isn't much of a help to me. And even anna is better cook than her." She heaved a sigh in her confession.

Jess swing her left leg to the side as she listened in, on their conversation. Like she was never there.

A knock made Jess to turn to face her mother. She rubbed her head and pout.

"I was going to ignore you, but you keep whistling like a goat so god help me. If I hear you once more." With Emilia turned to Jordan, who continued nursing his cup.

"I will bake some more cookies since someone has mindlessly eaten them." She walked away, indirectly telling Jess that she was the fattest person in the house.

"It is not fair," Jess made a fuss.

"Nothing is fair, firecracker." Jordan took the side of his favorite waters. "She is just correcting you."

"Like you know better."

Jordan smirked. "Baby, you don't know better." He dropped the cup and walked over to the paint.

"Try me."

"My mother has threw her shoes at me, slapped me and beat with a cane, but I never once complained because why? She loved me. Cried that I did and would often forget why she beat me in the first place." He nod to her. "What about you?"

"It is somehow a long story."

Jordan rose his brow at her with a scoff. "By all means, try me."

Jess played with the hem of her garment to distract herself from his gaze. "Never, she would always hug me and tell me that she wants the best."

"No wonder that you are spoilt brat."  He laughed.

She turned up to him. "What did you just call me?" she asked.

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