15: Play Time

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Jess tried to ignore the cold sweats on her brows, as her mother talked to her dad.

Her father looked at her from the bedstand. "I don't want you next to that boy. I don't trust him. Stay around people."

"Oh! Norman, thank you." Her mum kissed his cheeks. "But he is a good boy, they have been together in the house and will be in the car. Trust her, if you don't trust him."

"Already, save your kisses for another moment." Norman laughed at her antics. "I am counting on you  so move it before I change my mind."

Warmness filled her cheeks  "Thank you, boss." She ran to his side, gave him a quick hug before running to the door.

Turning to the door, Jessica tried to close it instead of banging it.  With that done, she took flight down the stairs and ran out to Jordan in the barn.

"He agreed. . .They agreed so pack your things. . .We are leaving." She said, jumping up and down.

"So this is how you dress,"  He paid her a look. "Exchanging your floral gowns for your tomboy outfit. You look nice." He said, before he helped himself to move a bucket of a gray liquid. He dropped it and grabbed a rag off the table to wipe his hands.

"You are wearing white and yellow like me. . . It is part of the event thingy." She said before turning round to show her big white top with her yellow sweatpants with a grey beanie. And her blue mini backpack.

"Okay, I am wearing what?"

"Freshen up and wear the clothes that I laid on your bed. With the same grey beanie." She smiled content with her work.

That pleasure of seeing him dressed took twenty minutes. She looked at him as she sat in the car.

Jordan walked to her in a big yellow sweater and white cargo pants with a beanie. His brown hair showed itself on his forehead like a messy fringe as he walked.

"Do I really have to go like this?" He raised his eyebrows suspicious of her words.

Jess closed her mouth. "You look great, you should. . .get in." She hopelessly sighs.

"I took your show?" He teased as he entered the vehicle.

"Nope, you didn't." She frowned upon his words. He did.

"Okay, where to? Directions, Mami."

Jess took the liberty of acting as a human GPS. since the first time she acted as his guide and the second was the fact, they were both uncomfortable with a phone in the car and seemed to forget there was a GPS.

It took them ten minutes or more to reach the cinema.

"We are here."

"This is it." Jess announced in her best air hostess' voice.

"And I can see." He reminded her as they walked into the cinema. She punched his shoulder.

Jess smiled as she saw the look of her high school friends as they walked side by side. Her action worked.

"I thought, you said the color code was white and yellow and not white and red or anything not named yellow" Jordan said under his breath.

"I must have heard wrong. Sorry,  let's give this to susan and leave." To be honest, she didn't want to be on a talking stage with anyone here.

They waved her friends and a few people she knew from past  events or had seen a couple times.

They hopped on the stage where the kids played. "Hey, kids." Jess called out.

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