32: Reunite, Reignite & Goodbyes

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Over the past weeks, the house of the waters got better. Lively again but the air of loss still lingered and this time, they embraced it.

Uncle Sam had to travel back to  his wife, Zara who was fast approaching her delivery date which was good news to all after every miscarriage she faced.

Owen had invited friends and family to his graduation that was near the corner. He is still  a single arrogant idiot, Jessica said.

And her grandfather offered them comfort and a place to stay before he went back.

Jessica and Emilia had gotten a better relationship as they spent their evenings recounting memories of Norman, her mother and Emilia's father. Emilia even offered to read some of Jessica's works.

Delia had her friend and her boyfriend had come over to the house to keep her company time and time again. And they couldn't refuse. The three had become a trio in a sense.

Harper became a resident in Sarah's house, playing with her daughter and his friends who loved nearby.

Jordan had gotten better as he talked to Zara and Vincent, Jessica's grandfather. Drives Delia and her friends to get art canvas and take Harper to stay at the Uncle John and Aunt Sarah's place.

Also, he had made the cups of tea as he listened to Emilia and Jessica talked every evening.

Jordan had talked to Owen about his family's recovery and spent the late nights sitting beside Jess, just holding her hand. He was better than ever.

The snow had melted and so did their hearts. Spring had set in and the month of May shone through it.

They had only a week before Owen's graduation. And they were all at peace and made their peace.

"Jordan!" Jessica called from downstairs.

Jordan made his way down to see her sitting with a smile that brightened her face.

"Someone's at the door." She said.

Jordan made his way to open the door and his heart froze at the sight.


Jordan moved back with tears running down his cheeks.

"Mama, " He called.

And the latino woman nod beside an older man and a young brown skinned woman with a baby.

"Papa, Antonia," He called their name unable to breathe until he felt Jessica's hand on his back.

"It is okay," She said, unconcerned of the footsteps down the stairs.

Jordan dropped on his knees to the floor and hung his head in his hands. "I am sorry. Forgive me." He cried as he repeated those words like a mantra.

He felt a soft hand move his hair away. He looked up to see Antonia.

"It is alright. Marco wanted the best for you and for me," She smiled with tears in her eyes. "And for Marco." She said, turning her head to the baby boy in his mother's hands.

Jordan followed her eyes. "Meet Marco Antonio Alonso, your nephew." His mother said as she brought the baby near.

The baby smiled at him in a way that he reminded him of Marco, his father.

His own father walked to them and knelt down in front of him like Antonia.

"It wasn't your fault. We are sorry for making you feel that way. Please, come home." His father's deep voice said as gentle as he could.

"I am sorry. I-I thought I did the best thing."

"We are sorry for not finding you soon to atone for our sins. We need you, your grandfather needs you. Our family needs our trickster." With that, he hugged his son. Soon, the whole Alonso family hugged him.

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