27: Low

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After the coming of Owen Waters, the past two days had been eventful.

After that fight of two evenings ago, Owen left the house for an inn or hotel. Emilia said was his way of dealing with his anger. Jordan was skeptical about it.

Everyone seemed to be on a side. Harper stood on Owen's side while the women of the house favored him.

Jordan looked ahead to see Harper, who looked at him disdainfully for a young boy of six. Seven on the first of January, he reminded himself.

Jordan and Jessica had a share of avoidance from Harper, who seemed to be different. Indifferent was the word.

Now, Owen sat down, informing his parents of how he was almost through with his last year in Yale University.

And how he has got a job in New York, waiting for him with help of Alfred, their granduncle.

"My MBA is almost up and I have gotten a spot in financial management at uncle's place." Owen rambled on his golden life.

His reference to Jessica's grandfather held no surprise for the family but Jordan had barely heard anything about the man except from Harper and Jessica. Weird.

Norman said nothing until  Owen finished his speech. "When are you going back to school?"

"I plan to go back to my place after a week or two but I have a three month or so before graduating." He said, before continuing his meal.

"Good, son." Norman said, cutting through his steak.

"What happened to my room?" Owen said, no doubt hearing of it from his little brother.

"Oh! I gave it to Jordan since he is doing us a favor." Emilia said, with a warning smile begging him to shout.

"I am going to stay with Harper for the meantime." He said defeated, as he remained seated in the seat beside his father. Where Jordan used to sit for dinner.

Jordan used his eyes to look over the expensive watch and clothing Owen had. Rich playboy who lived off his uncle's wealth. His profile gave a bad look even further.

Jordan moved back to his meal and closed his eyes for a minute.

Jordan was sure that Owen  hated him and now Harper was under the influence of his big brother that he avoided him like he was just as bad as a plague.

Jordan touched his jaw and flinched at the pain. Mrs. Waters got an apology from Owen before dinner and that only fueled his hatred for him.

Did he take his place in the house and behaved as the good son?, Jordan thought, he was starting to sound like the book he wrote with Jessica.

To make matters worse, Jessica was on a foe path with her brother for his earlier actions, sending him deadly glares and Harper on the other side did the same. Betrayal from both sides.

Delia looked at the two opposing side as she patted her mouth of the sauce from the steak before standing up.

She went to her room ,saying something about not stepping into a war filled with landmines and silly kids.

"Mother, thank you for the meal but it tastes quite bland with the presence of someone." Owen toyed with the last piece of meat he held with his fork before sporting a look at Jordan.

Jordan looked into the eyes of the man who seemed hell bent on making a hurricane from a teacup.

"You could just let us know the someone." Jess said.

Jordan turned to her as he felt her hands on his, under the table. He gladly took it.

He turned back to see laid-back version of Owen's twitched but dared not mention the someone.

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