25: White Pond & Their Songs

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Jess walked down the stairs, to see Jordan dressed in a black coat.

"Are you ready?" He asked before taking a false bow.

She looked at the knee length white coat and adjust her cream head warmer.

"Ouï," Jessica smiled as she took his arm.

"Enjoy your time there," Emilia said, as she watched them leave into the snow covered grounds.

They had barely climbed into the SUV when Jess talked about her regret as she had slept through the first snow.

"I don't think it matters," He turned to see her glaring at him.

Jordan coughed at the memory of him and the rest sipping their hot beverage as the snow that morning, "Than us spending time together."

She sighed heavily to his relief, "I think you are right. We are about to fulfill your promise."

"Yeah, I am." He smiled at the mention of his first promise. The frozen pond.

He was meant to have packed his bags so he could leave but fate had other plans.

"The white pond is amazing. We are going to snap pictures like mad and skate," She said for the umpteenth time that week.

He smiled as he drove to Sunrise park, ready to create a new memory with her.

"So how does it feel to go with the girl that charmed you to the pond?" She asked, when she felt he did the charming but she will never admit it.

"You mean how does it feel taking my girlfriend?" He corrected her.

She giggled at that manner he stressed the word 'Girlfriend'.

"Okay, boyfriend."

"I personally prefer my name before your father executes me," He chuckled softly, at thought of his cold body buried under the Waters' farm.

"Fine, Jordan." She said, rolling her eyes to the side of her window.

"I think we should try the radio," Jessica said.

Jordan turned to her, "Why?"

She didn't turn but breathe on the window, drawing a heart shape.

"I have seen and read books that the radio will play love songs in every station. I was thinking we could try. The universal love sign." She turned to face him.

Jordan returned his eyes back to the wheels. He sighed. "Okay, go ahead and try."

She smiled, as she turned on the radio station to the one she figured was playing songs.

Pretty little liar watcha gonna do
Tell me that me that you love me lying to my face

Jessica knew the rest of the What heartbreak feels like by Jvke. She switched it to the next available one.

I wish you were here, all these time, all these years

She changed the station playing Fvck I wish as much as she loved it. Who broke these people? Jeez, she thought.

After searching for a while, she settled on another. Lonely played through the box and she annoyingly switched it to another.

I feel like Atlas, I got my back stretched

Jessica huffed as she switched it to the next.

"Take it back," Jordan requested, while she sulked over her failed idea. Universal sign, indeed!

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