29: Harper's Wish

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After Christmas and Boxing Day,  Harper's day had arrived. Kids of his age came with gifts and well wishes for their friend suffering from ill spells of the winter and every other season.

Jessica watched the children singing the boy a jolly good fellow though it sounds a lot more like gullible fellow. Typical Harper.

She felt a presence behind her as she leaned against the wall in the dinning. She turned to see Owen.

"Oh! Hey," She said, "Where—"

"He will be in shortly with the new pile of firewood."

"Sorry," She said. Their heater wasn't enough for the season as she had hoped.

"Don't sweat it. I have something to talk about with you two," Owen said with hint of important.

Just as he said that, Jordan came into the house and drop the wood in its place.

He found his way over to them, she turned back to see her brother who had waved him over.

Owen motioned them to go up instead and they followed him into Harper's room with blue defining his room and toys.

He sat on the bouncing bed before sighing and making his mind to cut through the chase.

"Before I leave, mum and I are taking Dad to the hospital tonight." He broke the news to them. The thought of them leaving on a special day and to somewhere sterile.

"What happened to him? " She asked, trying to control her almost raised voice.

"Nothing much, the cough is just acting up and the weather is not helping him even with the air purifier." Owen sighed, before lying flat on the bed.

"So we will take care of them for how long?" Jordan asked with his hands stuck in his back pockets.

"I don't know. . . days, weeks or months. I will handle Harper aside. You two are familiar with the flow." Owen said before standing up and leaving them to their devices.

The two didn't say a word as they opened their only exit and saw Emilia coming out of her room with a weak smile, almost the same time. The one she wore everytime the love of her life got sick.

Emilia gave them a consenting nod, before going downstairs.

They followed her as the party continued until they got to the wish part. The kids bickered over the wish to be made that it was hard to hear.

"Wish for a bike!"

"No, a real sport car!"

"Like seriously, wish for money and you can get all too!"

"Hey, just wish for Harry Potter's wand!" A kid full of delight said. Giggles filled the room before settling down.

Jess smiled as the kids pestered Harper as he was about to blow out his candle.

The seven years old boy came closer to the cake with his eyes shut as he blew out the light.

"What did you wish for? " The kids quietly asked to know who was right. Like there wasn't a noise before to begin with.

He wore an angelic smile that crinkled the corner of his eyes. "I wished to be happy with my family."

The kids groaned, some adult laughed about his mindset with Emilia, who seamlessly save the hostess part she played.

Jess gave Harper a thumbs up as his eyes rested on her, he laughed. He moved to person next to her, waving frantically until he caught Jordan's attention.

"Great, kiddo!" He laughed as he caught on Harper's waves.

Jessica looked at him as he turned away from the scene and removed the mask he wore. His face went blank. His eyes held an emotion unknown and yet familiar to her.

Jordan had been quiet during the Christmas season and worse, he wore a burden but she didn't know what to do than wait. Patiently wait till he tells her what's holding him down.

She went to the front porch, the stairs and sat there for a moment, lost in thoughts. Jordan cared for her, treated her right, loved her and it was her own turn to be there. She was just scared of losing him.

"To be a lover, you have to be a fighter, coward." She said to herself, trying to get back in.

"Give him time and space. And don't be too hard on yourself." She turned to see Aunt Sandra at the door.

"Hey," She waved at the woman she met at the pond and mother of one of Harper's friend.

Sandra closed the door and sat on the wood of the front porch's stairs beside her.

"John was once like that too. He would be quiet and withdrawn when he had something on his mind before the birth of our baby." Sandra said, giving Jessica who observed her with a playful smile.

"Uncle John is so nice." Jess said before looking down.

"It is because of time, there are just some problems that we have to deal with on our own, you know," Sandra said, before pulling a strand of her blonde silver hair behind her hair. "He came to me with a piece of letter. Dropped it on the dinning table. Pregnant me was thinking it was a divorce letter." She laughed at the thought.

Jessica bit her lips. "What did it say? "

Sandra placed her hands on Jess'. "He was scared at the thought of being like his father to his kids. Unfortunately, kid." She confessed.

"How did he—you know overcome it." Jess knew Uncle John had seen his father walk out of his life for another woman.

"We sat down and wrote we wanted to say on a piece of a paper like a messenger app but we ended up talking that night. It didn't end until he end the battle within." 

"What if I lose him to the battle?" Jess asked meekly and yet shaken.

"You won't. You are doing the best you can for now. Being by his side when he needs you the most."

"I feel worthless. He did so much and I can't." Jess let out her frustration. Because he won't let me.

Sandra shook her head. "You are doing the best. Sometimes we don't need someone to tell us of better days but a shoulder to lean on, to cry on." With that, she stood up and offered her hands to Jess.

Jess took her hand and went in with her, blinking back the tears  in her eyes.

Aunt Sandra pulled her into a hug. "You are going to do great." She cheered in a low voice.

Jess smiled despite her unsettled insides. "Thank you." She whispered into her ear.

"You are welcome." They both let go of each other to enjoy the  cakes shared.

Her eyes caught on Jordan who seemed out of place as Harper tried to feed him while bending awkwardly.

She smiled at how sugar conscious he was. How he would prefer a bottle of water over sweets any day. How he tried his best to sip her over sweetened cup of ginger or lemon tea instead of the unsweetened green tea or black coffee. She smiled at the memories.

His eyes too found her as she stayed away from the crowd before she moved her feet to where he stood with an even bigger smile.

"Hey, I know—" He began unsure and looked down to see her hands in his. Or it was the other way round.

"I know." She said, looking into his brown eyes before turning back to the celebrant who argued how he was older than his former age mates who had their birthday the next year.

Jessica smiled as she watched the scene. She smiled as she felt him squeeze her hands. She smiled as the guests left. She smiled as Owen hugged her. She smiled as her parents and Owen drove away. She smiled as Harper, Delia and Jordan helped her clear the place. She smiled as she took the moment of random jokes and giggles. She smiled as Jordan stole a glance or more from her and she did the same. She truly smiled.

She smiled.

I wish to be happy, I want to be happy and I am happy.

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