12: Do You Want To . . .

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Jess laughed as she listened on Jordan's rant about if he was a member of a boys band.

Jordan picked up a pliers from table against the barn and coughed to clear his throat.

"If I was a member of 5SOS, then I would probably be flirting with you. With you, being all gummy bear on me."

Jessica laughed, as she adjust on the apple cart that she sat on. "That is not true."

"Tell that to harry styles." Jordan raked through his hair with his other hand.

Jess giggled at confusing face that  he made as he sigh.

"So who would you be? A member of 5 Seconds of Summer, Imagine dragons or Chainsmokers?"

"Imagine dragon," Jordan said with a shrug, as he dropped the tool on the table. "What about you?" he nod to her.

"Me?" She laughed. "I would chose Chainsmokers because that Closer got me hooked."

"That is a surprise because i remembered, when you were singing Youngblood. Loud and clear." He raised his eyebrow.

Jess rose her hands up. "So what? I love them too. 'Who do you love' is amazing coming from the both of them. All of all, you can't expect me to chose."

Jordan lips broke into a grin.  "I told you that if i was a member of a band, you would be gumming all over me. Girls love the guitar thing."

Jess stood up. "Now it is my own. If I was a boy."

"You would be a pretty sight for a boy," Jordan whistled at the thought.

Jess hold the hem of her shirt as she wondered if she was one. "I would be the playboy that has slept with every girl, that gush over me.  Plus parties like party hard with booze and no tomorrow. Just like my brother."

Jess turned away from Jordan. "And when I met the one girl that charms me then i will take her to the lake or a pond, when it is frozen." Jess faced jordan with her rosy cheeks.

Jordan blinked, as he tried to     comprehend her words. "That was honest and a lot to take but thank god that you are not the playboy and I am clearly not the girl."

Rubbed his right shoulder as he spoke. "But I would like to be the one to take you to that frozen lake as a parting gift. . .before you know."

Jess nearly slapped herself, back to reality. "Guess we have to get started on that book, the kids would really appreciate it."

"We better—" He hardly completed his sentence, when a sound caught their attention.

"Jordan! Catherine!" A second later, the barn door burst open with Emilia, full of hysteria and profusely sobbing.

Before Jess could process any of it. Jordan ran up to her mother, who say inaudible words and he followed suit to the house.

Jess picked up her strength, as she walked across the field to where the car was parked in front, showing a limp body in Jordan's hands. Her father.

The wind blew the grass back and with it. She stepped back to regain her momentum as looked at her palms. "I pushed Norman. I did that to him." She said as she felt his blood stain her hands.

"What have you done?" The words echoed in her head as she sat beside her father's fragile body. And the white sterile room did nothing to improve the condition.

Jess would have considered   jumping in joy, doing the happy dance if it was a dream but she felt awful about the most hated man in her life.

Once, she was dared by jasmine, to tell her father that she loved him for a hundred dollar and she refused. Who would love a tyrant drunk for a father? He wasn't her father.

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