" ~ Prologue ~ "

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                                  There's A Saying "Hitting Two Birds With one stone"

                         But the two birds hit more than one stone could ever hit.


" Hurry Up Kota! " Shouted a brunette  " They'll start without us! " The child yelled slightly louder looking towards the cloudy sky. A man stepped out of his wooden balcony that had no railing, he had large wings that had three colors red with green and blue tips. A large grin lays on his face, he shouted back to get the boy's attention " You just can't wait can you Wilbur? " he yelled looking at the boy placing his hand on his hip " 12-year tradition can't stop now! " Wilbur screamed growing more impatient. " Alright I'm coming give me a minute. " Kota said calmly as somebody tapped his shoulder his Wife, " Don't want to keep them waiting," she said giggling a bit " Yes yes, are you sure you'll be okay with them," he said worriedly planting a kiss on her cheek " Yes we'll be fine, they haven't shown signs of hatching yet " his wife reassured him.             " Besides it's their birthday, you only turn 12 once " she stated " Okay yell if you need me Coral" He sighed extending his wings to join Wilbur. " Finally! Cmon! " The younger said happily, both of the winged hybrids emerged from the clouds revealing themselves to three other hybrids all had wings too.

" What took you so long! " Tommy whined flying towards Kota and Wilbur, " Sorry Toms," Kota said patting the boy's head. " Well, how about we start the race then? " Philza said crossing his legs while his wings were flapping behind him, " Alright! Get into positions! " yelled Wilbur getting into position himself who was followed by Tommy and Techno. " See you in about 2 minutes," Phil said hovering over a cloud getting ready for the countdown, Kota nodded before heading over to the brothers getting ready. " 3......2......1...... Launch! " Phil yelled as all four of us swooped down towards the jungle.

" ~Kota's POV~ "

We all swooped down to the village, I tucked my wing behind my back to gain more speed before I hit the ground I spread them back out for the wind to catch me and blast me up above. I glided above the jungle before swooping back down dodging Nest, fruit trees, and vines I made it out of the village flying up back towards the clouds looking behind me before doing so, Wilbur was behind me Techno was behind him and Tommy was behind Techno barely. I emerged from the clouds looking at Philza before racing towards him hitting the finish line. " Another win for me! " I yelled  throwing my arms in the air for celebration " NOOOOOOOOOOO I was so close! " Wilbur whined jokingly pulling up to the finish line followed by Techno and then Tommy. " You always win! " Tommy pouted making me and Phil laugh, " Well Tommy your 8 I'm an adult " I stated gliding towards him " Can't you go easy on us ? " Tommy asked with a mischievous smile,     " I mean I could.." I said giving Tommy a smirk " But I won't " Tommy shouted how it wasn't fair competing with them it just made everybody laugh in the end.

" ~Nobody's POV~ "

Laughter filled the sky's everything, and everyone felt at peace. Unfortunately, those times don't last as long as you hope... Laughter and joy turned to screams cries and horror, war has come upon the kingdom and nobody saw it coming. The war between Humans and The Hybrids.

" ~Philza's POV~ " 

I was running holding Tommy in one of my arms and holding Wilbur's hand in my other, Techno was running holding Wilbur's free hand, " WILBUR TAKE TOMMY, FLY AWAY TO THE HILL FIND EVERYBODY ELSE NOW! " I yelled handing Wilbur Tommy as I looked back at Kristen's lifeless body. " GO NOW! " I shouted even louder at them, Techno grabbed Wilbur's shirt collar and flew in the air heading towards the hill, " FIND KOTA " I yelled louder. I sprinted back inside to grab a family portrait that had all of us including Coral and Kota, I bolted out the door spreading my wings launching into the air. There was fire everywhere, humans and soldiers fighting I clutched the photo tighter flying faster towards the hill where I spotted a panicked Wilbur and Techno with a sobbing Tommy. " I told you three to find Kota! " I yelled landing on the hill still holding the photo to my chest, " He's Not HERE! " Wilbur yelled he was close to tears, with that comment I felt my body go cold. I frantically looked around I couldn't see the rainbow-like wings, his h/c locks (Hair color), and his joking grins, I turned to the burning city of trees as Wilbur and Tommy were crying, and Techno had tears in his eyes. One of my hands dropped to my side the other still clutching the photo close to my chest, I dropped to my knees staring back at the flames, I had lost my Wife and my Best Friend.

" ~Coral's POV~ "

I looked back into the ruins of my home, my nest back there laid my lover, his smile and laughter replayed in my memories as I held my child. Our little hatchling slept peacefully as I took to the sky to avoid the smoke from reaching them, they only hatched today and they looked like him from their hair to their eye's to their beautiful rainbow-like wings. I soon landed on a branch from a faraway forest looking at the sleeping child, " Your name will be... Y/n " Yes Y/n that suits them... MY PRETTY BIRDIE...

( OH SHI- I Guess your Dad left to get Milk :) Oh well that's the backstory Cya in the 1st Chapter ) 

Word Count: 1017

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