Discontinued Forever and Always

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As the Title states the flock will forever be unfinished unfortunately, this is due to a couple of reasons I will be explaining so don't worry. To get this started I would love to say thank you all so much for all the support you all have given me for this book, I have probably disappointed a lot of people but I would still like to thank you all.

1. Motivation
To explain more on this, this book has been demotivating for me ever since late last year. I wasn't feeling good like I use to while writing and the only thing helping me was the comments, it didn't make me feel passionate about writing and more I was doing it as a chore. My demotivation affected my work speed and Quality since reading back on my first couple of chapters in the old version, they seemed nice and bad- nice as in I knew I had a good time writing this and bad since it was old and my first book. But later chapters and the rewrite; the book/chapters were soulless and bland in my opinion, no emotion in them. I want to express myself in writing and this book isn't helping that.

2. Feelings
My mental health hasn't been good at all late last year and early 2024 and it's only just improving now, though this book previously was an escape place for me to write a chapter and escape into my fantasies now it reminds me how I felt in the past that I wish not to reminded of; times I don't want to remember. This book will always have a place somewhere I just don't know where yet.

3. The Fandom.
The DSMP fandom is a mess now and is very much dead, what has happened to the creators or other things too. From 2020-2022 it was thriving however when it hit 2023-2024 it went down from there being from Technoblade's Death(RIP) and the Wilbur soot incident, I thought I would be fine writing about these characters however I grew more uncomfortable day by day. It felt wrong.

This is Goodbye to DSMP and I'll be back with new fandoms and books, I require your patience and ILY all for the support and funny comment and of course the votes. This has been a thrilling experience and hopefully I'll see you all in future series.

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