" ~ New Found F!R3[]D5 ~ "

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TW: Possessive/Obsessive Behavior, Death, Injuries/blood, Stalking, and Forced Affection

Additional Warning: Swearing ;_;

Nobody POV

there your lay accepting your thorny fate, except not. Luckily for you, somebody found you and thankfully they weren't from the Sbi, the person had brunette hair that went well with his honey brown eyes, he wore a blue hoodie with some jeans and a pair of white shoes! But his most outstanding feature was his beautiful blue wings. He managed to spot you while he was looking was mushrooms, swooping down to save you bringing you back to his home, that's where you are now...

Y/n's POV

" Mm.. " I grumbled still feeling exhausted from last night's events, I attempted to get up but then I felt a terrible pain in my body, I sat back down on the familiar bed. " Still hurts? " A voice asked, I looked up to see George the guy that helped me, " Yeah... " I replied lying back down.


I felt something or someone lift me gently from the prickling thorns, at first I got scared what if it was Wilbur or Tommy! so when I opened my eyes weakly  but they widened to see a stranger with a concerned expression " Are you okay? " He asked which I responded with a nod.

End Of Flashback

" Here taking this " George says tossing something at me, I caught it to see it was a golden apple (Minecraft Crossover lol) I've heard of them before but never seen one, ' Known for their amazing taste and healing abilities ' I thought taking a bite it was sweet but not overly sweet. As I chowed down on the golden apple I started to feel better every bite, " Slow down its not going anywhere." George said chuckling slightly leaning into the door frame, I took his advice I mean I kinda don't want to choke if you know what I mean. I finished the apple feeling much better then before, I got up with a bit of a wobble this time at least it wasn't pain, I smiled at George showing it as my way to thank him, he shot back with a grin of his own. I helped me balanced and soon enough I was walking well enough as well as flying good too and I call that an accomplishment!

Mean while in the SBI Nest ( Nobodies POV )

" WHERE THE F!CK ARE THEY !!! " Shouted Wilbur as he trashed the house to find you, Wilbur was terrifying when he was angry, except he thought you were uhm.. Kidnapped? Because they all believed that you would never run away from them never them...RIGHT!? " THEY'RE NOT HERE WILBUR WHY WOULD A KIDNAPPER LEAVE THEM HERE! " Tommy yelled at Wilbur he was also pissed as were Phil and Techno. " HURRY UP YOU TWO AND STOP BICKERING AND FIND THEM " Phil yelled from the front door, Wilbur and Tommy quickly stopped and both went outside to join the search.


" Y/n~ ! Sunshine it's time to wake up! " Wilbur Cooed as he entered the room where he saw your quilts stuffed with pillows but he didn't know until... " What. The. FUCK " he yelled after he pulled off the quilts covering some pillows, he started looking around the room desperately thinking that you might be playing a game. Soon enough Tommy grew impatient and walked in Y/n's room to find a very panicked Wilbur Soot and no Y/n.

End of flashback 

All that was running through Phil's mind was ' Gone... Like  him...NO I WON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN ' Techno however was dealing with the voices yelling at him saying ' HOW COULD YOU LET THE BEAN GO!? ' and ' KILL WHOEVER TOOK THE CHILD AWAY ' and especially ' BLOOD ' and ' E ' the voices were unpredictable but also sometimes unbearable, but after they heard of you they seemed to calm down. Wilbur was thinking like the voice's ' I MUST REMOVE WHOEVER HAS DONE THIS! ' and ' MY SYMPHONY COME BACK DON'T STRAY! ' as for Tommy he was kind of chiller for some reason only thinking ' Welp- shit not poggers ' and also ' wow the more Wilbur stresses out the more his hairline goes back lol ' leave it to Tommy to underestimate the situation.

Back To You And George Fluff Moments :))

Y/n's POV

 George and I engaged in some convo's, he explained that he had two friends called Dream and Sapnap and that they worked at the markets selling weapons. Cool! I thought I kinda just listened to him I didn't really say much of what happened last night I'm still shocked that I escaped, I gotta say what were they expecting ' ah yes new family who killed my mother okay. ' yeah no. We were having some bonding time until... BOOM... Shit..

down went Georges door ( WE NEED TO STOP DOOR ABUSE ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ ) we were in shock for a few moments before my eye's went wide with fear, there they were... Phil face washed with anger and relief, Techno thankfulness, Wilbur plain anger and desperation and finally Tommy who just looked slightly happy. " HEY! THATS MY DOOR!- " George said but he got interrupted by Wilbur " Don't you say a word... We will deal with you later.." he said in a threatening tone, Tommy grabbed my arm dragging me towards Techno and Phil who were shooting daggers at George. I panicked trying to pull away but to avail Tommy handed me to Techno, he grabbed my hand tightly to ensure I couldn't get out of his grip, Wilbur walked back to the other leaving George on the floor after he stabbed him you heard George's yelps as Tommy dragged you from the scene. " Don't try to take them again... " He said harshly before picking me up, they all let their wings rise preparing for take off leaving George behind, I was still shaking ' What are they going to do with me!? ' I thought the horrid of Georges face not leaving my mind.

Nobodies POV

Phew.. they have you back and that's all that matters to them... Wilbur held you tightly worried I he didn't you would disappear ' I have you my symphony no need to be afraid im here.. ' as for Techno the voice's were practically celebrating as he was too ' YESSS CHILD POGGERS ' and    ' BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! ' and of course ' E ', Tommy was happy but overall he knew they would find you so he didn't think much of it, now Phil.. He was delighted he found you unlike the first time when he couldn't find Him.


 Tommy 🖤83%🖤

Well Tommy... honestly he dreamt about you the night before, he was furious that 'somebody took ' you but soon distracted because that's Tommy. However your laugh replayed in his mind, to him you were a precious and fragile he needed to protect you...Hm..Heh Dream's funny, you fear him.. but he adores you...

Wilbur 🖤 92% 🖤

( THIS GUY JUST WON'T STOP ) Wilbur huh? WELP HERES THE DROP OF THE ROLLER COASTER! He was infuriated with George for " Kidnapping " you, YOUR HIS SYMPHONY AND NOBODY CAN TAKE YOU AWAY! HIS SONGBIRD NOBODY ELSE'S... lullaby's.. I wish they went on forever.. however everything dies sooner or later... 

Techno 🖤80%🖤

For once him and the voice's agree on something, you are delight to be around. He's becoming desperate to talk to you, wanting you to ask random questions he liked those, you were like a curious butterfly exploring the world! ...Butterfly's...are nice.. unfortunately they don't live long...

Philza 🖤81%🖤

He thinks of you as his child basically, an naive, precious child that needs protection from the outside world. He wants what's best for you but does he really? Of course he does, you need him and he needs you ...Know's what's best huh? We'll see about that..



Sorry for the slow update but I restarted this chapter so many times because I didn't know if I wanted them to meet ( Dream Sapnap or George ) but George im sorry you got stabbed ;-; OH WELL! I HOPED YOU ENJOYED AND ALSO

Me          You

( '・・)ノ(._.')

Word count: 1396

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