" ~ You're Safe With Us...~ "

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 45 READS :)) and sorry for the slow updates but at the beginning I didn't know how to start this but now that that's over the story will be more longer? Idk

TW: Possessive/Obsessive Behavior, Death, Injuries/blood, Stalking, and Forced Affection

(This is NOT how the real people act just their personas)



Y/n's POV ( A few weeks later )

I was sitting on the balcony with my legs dangling off the edge, it was the middle of the day and I was bored so I just watched the flowers sway. ' So Boring.. ' I thought ' Maybe I could pick some flowers, that would at least get me to do something other then just sitting here doing nothing, I pushed my body off the edge spreading my wings to hover down slowly. ' I'm not going far just to the fields ' I made a soft landing onto the ground crouching looking for the best flowers to retrieve, I managed to spot my f/f ( Favorite flower ) skipping towards them I examined them to look for the prettiest one. " Hmm... The one on the left is okay, but the right is also pretty nice... Oh! The middle one looks the best! I carefully picked the flower from its stem quickly bolting from the spot determined to make a flower rainbow.

Wilbur's POV

I sat in the tree holding a note book in hand, watching over the hatchling as their legs swayed over the balcony of their ' home ' I couldn't wait to hug them once they were really home! As I was daydreaming about the games we could play together, they swung themselves off the edge! I got scared for a moment before the caught themselves, they won't be doing that again ever, they went flower picking again. A smile formed on my face as I watched them pick flowers of different kinds, they were so adorable,(Platonic) I scribbled down what I saw to tell Phil what they did today. A few hours later they had made a beautiful flower rainbow, they skipped back 'home' as it was sunset and they were probably exhausted, soon you'll be with US and you won't need ANYBODY ELSE.

And with that I headed back to the nest, I went back faster then usual probably because of my excitement they were coming home today finally! I landed on the balcony and was greeted by a overly excited Tommy, a happy Philza and a normal Technoblade how original. " So how did today go." Dadza asked tilting his head to the side, " Very well! They ate their favorite breakfast, Made flower crowns, had Lunch, sat down on the balcony, made a flower rainbow and finally went to sleep! " I responded checking my notebook. " Only one thing though, They dropped themselves off the balcony. " I added at the end with a slight worry to my voice, " Hm... They'll learn not to do it ever again." Phil said calmly as I placed my book in my coat. " Hurry up! I want to see them now! " Tommy shouted impatiently.

Y/n's POV

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! " This is what I woke up to in the middle of the night, it was Momma she was screaming!? Was she okay!? I heard footsteps coming closer to the room as the nest fell silent, I quickly ducked back to my sleeping position and closed my eyes to pretend to be asleep. My door creaked open and somebody was coming closer, were they going to hurt me? Or maybe kill me!? But to my surprise I felt them stroking my cheek softly...Then I was lifted up bridal style and carried out of the nest, am I being kidnapped? Yep I'm getting kidnapped Sh-t.

Wilbur's POV (Lots of Wilbur and you POV lol)

A few moments after removing the nuisance I skipped over to Y/n's room, I normally would peek through the window but now I can hug them all I want! I open the door a little to see if they were awake but they were still peacefully sleeping which made my heart melt and skip over to them. I stroked their cheek for a while before picking them up, holding their head and waist before walking out the room.

Nobody's POV

The other three men waited patiently for Wilbur to return with child all a little giddy, soon Wilbur returned with Y/n in his arms. To them they were soundly asleep however Y/n was awake and terrified as the five of them left the home, Wilbur and Techno needed to take showers as they were covered in blood from ' removing Y/n's mother from the world ' as they called it. Soon they arrived at their destination, Wilbur carefully handed Tommy Y/n before heading to the shower to clean off, Tommy sat on the Sofa with a ' sleeping ' Y/n in his lap leaning against his chest. He snuggled in the child's touch feeling warm and fuzzy inside, however the child didn't like it so much it scared them in fact but soon they actually fell asleep due to Tommy's warm touch.

After Wilbur and Techno had showers they had joined the two on the sofa all focused on the same thing the sleeping child that was now in their ' Protection '

Be safe there is more to come....


💗Relationship Scale 💗


 Tommy 💗70%💗

Tommy enjoys your touch and possessions, He tends to steal things you own or make and doesn't like sharing them with his brothers. Tommy also likes to stalk you sometimes he enjoys watching you play and daydreams about playing games with you...

Wilbur 🖤 83% 🖤

Wilbur was the first to ' discover '  You while heading to the markets, he felt a connection towards you, he stalks you all the time and takes notes about what you did. He always wanted to hug you and now he can...

Techno 💜59%💜

You remind Techno of an old friend of his, he wants to get to know you but he at least isn't as crazy as the others, he prefers talking then ' hugging ' he also listened to what you did from Wilbur.

Philza 💜60%💜

You also remind Phil of an old friend, he feels happy when Wilbur tells him what you did that day and gets worried when he says you did something reckless. Like Techno he's not as crazy as the others, but feels fatherly towards you like you need to be protected.


You guys are Lucky 2 updates in ONE day


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