" ~ You Can't Leave Now! ~ "

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Lmao 69 Reads Anyway I keep saying slow Updates but now I'm thinking they're going to be random ;-; ANYWAY ENJOY :DD

TW: Possessive/Obsessive Behavior, Death, Injuries/blood, Stalking, and Forced Affection

(This is NOT how the real people act just their personas)



Y/n's POV

Hours after the abduction I woke to a room filled with different things, such as scarves, posters children's books, and some Plushes that sat neatly on a shelf. I yawned for a second rubbing my eyes, ' So I guess it wasn't a dream ' I lifted my body to see if there was any way to escape the room or at least a place to hide. Normal people would be terrified I couldn't be afraid now I needed to leave, I looked around to see a window going over to see if it was locked. unfortunately, it was locked typical, but the door wasn't! I creaked the door open to see if anybody was there, it was still late at night so I expected that my captors would be asleep. 

" Oh~ Y/n where do you think you're going? " I heard a voice say at the opposite end of the hallway,  " Aren't you meant to be asleep? " the voice said drawing closer to me, I decided to take a run for it. Sprinting towards the open living space to try and spot the exit, but before I could spot it the back of my shirt was snatched back and I fell backward landing in somebodies arms. Now I was afraid, 1 I had just attempted to escape from my kidnappers, and 2 I had done it in front of one of my kidnappers, " Hm...Trying to escape already I see...Well you'll get use to it, you won't be leaving " He said tightening his grip on me as I squirmed trying to break free. The man dragged me back to the room effortlessly as I shouted and pleaded for somebody to help me, he picked me up dumping me on top of the bed I woke up in, before leaving the room and saying " I suggest you don't try anything else otherwise we would have to use extreme measures" he said glancing back, before walking out the door locking it behind him.

 I scrambled off the bed trembling slightly as I tried to unlock the window and the door hoping one would open but was unsuccessful. I slumped against the wall ending up in a sitting position my head buried in my arms now sobbing, soon enough I started to drift off my tear-filled eyes replaced with puffy tired ones before passing out against the wall.

Tommy's POV

I woke up feeling excited I get to see my new best friend. Or Sibling? It doesn't matter though as long as they're here! I thought unlocking their door ' I thought we left it unlocked, maybe not. ' I finally got it unlocked after struggling for a while and Wilbur making fun of my struggle, I swung the door open walking towards the bed which I soon realized was empty making me panic for a second before spotting Y/n asleep slumped against the wall. I got a little confused but shrugged it off picking them and bringing them with me to the lounge to snuggle with them as they slept, although I wish they were awake to return my affection but whatever it is what it is. They had soft hair and fluffy wings I thought stroking their wings softly knowing they were sensitive, I heard a small groan from them stretching and followed soon after. I smiled looking at Phil who was chopping some fruit " Dadzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Y/n's up " I said looking down at them, they seemed to tense up after they realized that I had my arms wrapped around them. " Good Morning N/n! (Nickname) " I said tightening my grip a little, " Uhm.. H-how do you know my name? " they asked looking around " I know a lot about you Y/n, but I suppose you don't know my name, it's Tommy! " I replied loosening my grip to hopefully have them relax, " Oh- I- Who are they..? " they asked pointing at a picture of the others. " Oh! The other blonde-haired guy is Philza aka Dadza, the Pinkette is Technoblade Techno for short, and finally, the brunette is Wilbur Soot well...Wilbur for short as well. " They nodded along which made me happy, " Just so you know, Wilbur is an Idiot so he says stupid shit. " I said laughing a little before getting brutally ASSAULTED Just kidding I only got whacked on the head by Wilbur. Y/n snickered which made me and Wilbur's faces soften we made them laugh!  ...We Made Them Laugh...

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