
683 21 3

TW: Possessive/Obsessive Behavior, Death, Injuries/blood, Stalking, and Forced Affection


I just wanted to say thank you so much for 2k reads! AND 51 VOTES TOO! TYSM!!



{        Your Pov       }

I woke up to something wrapped around me, a giant pair of wings specifically brown and black ones, I already know who it is, Tubbo. 

He always does this when he feels paranoid about me running away as I have done it 3 times now, I tried to get him off me but he just said; " Sleep a little more I know your tired..- " I interrupted him by pushing myself off him, which makes him scramble to grab me.

He misses as I quickly run out the door before he can pull me back, I slow my pace as I head to the living room where I see Sapnap and Quakity chilling as Niki was cutting fruit, I heard some grunting behind me, I turn to see Skeppy pouting as Bad followed behind him. " What happened to him? " I asked Bad as the others look up hearing my voice,

" Oh- Good morning Muffin! Skeppy mad that it's our turn to collect some fruit today! " Bad said Cheerfully, he patted my head as he and Skeppy took off to the sky's Black wings alongside blue.

" N/n C'mere " Quakity cooed gesturing to the seat next to him on the sofa, I sighed before heading over, ' here it comes..' I take a seat next to him as he smiled, he wrapped one wing around me to bring me closer, and slowly preened my wings from Tubbo's feathers. Soon you heard some frantic footsteps which you also knew was:

" Y/N!? WHERE ARE YOU? " Tubbo, he's very clingy. Dream said something about him getting abandoned by his parents, poor him I guess.

I heard some more frantic footsteps which I also knew was Ranboo,

" HEY HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN- " Tubbo stopped mid sentence when he saw me, " See I told you Tubbo, they're just with others you don't need to worry about it. " Ranboo said stretching his limbs to wake up.

" Breakfast is done! " Niki shouted from the kitchen area, Sapnap sighed going to wake the others as Quakity Tubbo and Ranboo made their way to the dinning room, I followed behind them so I wouldn't be dragged by someone and forced to eat.

I sat waiting for the others, it wouldn't be wise to just bolt out the door, they were faster and stronger than me, they also out number me by a lot so-


Time Skip


After breakfast everyone went on with their day, Sapnap and Dream were playing Video games, Karl, Quakity and Niki were playing a bored game, Sam and Puffy were talking about boring stuff, Ranboo and Tubbo were making to biggest Ice cream Sundae  and you and George spectated Dream and Sapnap.

Every once in a while, you and George engaged in some conversations, however it never ended to good. Mainly because you were angry at him for bringing you here, you and his relationship isn't the same as much as it hurts him and you, you two will never be the same anymore.

You and Dream were okay with each other although he thought you guy's friendship was much closer then it actually is, but you don't have a big problem with him, but he is scary when he is mad, he's like that crazy uncle.

Sapnap and you? Well uh- you found out recently that Karl and Quakity are his Fiancés, he always discarded as his Child, he always wanted children but couldn't have any children, he is always very protective and quite clingy.

Niki and you were quite good, although she always wanted to spend time with you, it can get kind of annoying because she is always around. Very uh- Lets say... quite attached to you, and when I say quite I mean extremely.

Karl is uh- interesting to say the least, you see Karl, Quakity and Sapnap see you as their child, now that you get the picture here's what Karl's like. Karl is kind of like Sapnap, he's clingy but more laid back then Sapnap is, he wanted children as well but couldn't. He thought of adopting but that changed when he saw you.

Now Quakity, lets get things straight, Quakity doesn't like kids very much but enough to care that his fiancé's want a child. So when you came into the picture Quakity thought his Fiancé's would be happy! But soon enough, you started to grow on the guy to a point where he genuinely cared about your safety.

Now Sam and Puffy! ( I got sick of separating them) Sam and Puffy are pretty okay with you doing what ever, as long as you don't run away. they are quite laid back and both believe that children need space to grow and develop, so they just watch from a far and try to guide you.

Tubbo and Ranboo. Damn these two are like a power couple man, look up the word Clingy  and these two are in the definition, Tubbo likes hugging, patting, interacting, anything with you. He enjoys hanging out and Ranboo? Well he's just the quiet version of Tubbo, however he doesn't hug you often he just pats your head.

Badboyhalo? He hates when somebody curses in front of you and covers your ears when they do, he's alright but normally hangs out with Skeppy, he just interacts with you and lets you have your space. 

Skeppy and Jack! NOW THESE TWO, THESE TWO 🛐. Jack and Skeppy are okay with you doing whatever you want, Jack interacts with you when he feels ignored, luckily you don't ignore him! Same with Skeppy, when Bad's busy he just hangs out with you and does what ever. They both dislike physical contact and prefer their own space so they like just talking with you.


I just wanted to introduce their relationships with you. As well as a normal day with them too!

I called this Chapter Mistakes because of the Mistake you made going with George to his flock!

Sbi might show up next chapter! 

Thats all CYA!

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